Friday, December 27, 2019
Agitation And Mood In People With Dementia - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 923 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2018/12/27 Category Medicine Essay Type Research paper Level High school Did you like this example? Analyzing a research using a CASP critical appraisal tool 1. Did the trial address a clearly focused issue? The trial addressed a clearly focused issue because the population covered was old people who were aged between seventy-four years and one hundred and their years (Moyle et al. 2014). The mean age was eighty-five years and a half. The group used to so the research are people who have a common characteristic which is, all of them have dementia which is either mild or severe. The samples also have a common characteristic which they all have an agitated behavior. Therefore, the research was explicitly addressed. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Agitation And Mood In People With Dementia" essay for you Create order 2. Was there a randomization of the assignment of patients to treatments? The assignment was randomized (Moyle et al. 2014). Election of participants was from a sample of sixty. Then blocks were developed, and six samples were taken from every block. Selection of six participants per group is intended to balance the equation of the size of the sample. Every block was equal, and the selection of equal sample was a way that increased the possibility of having examples that are not determined by the researcher depending on their interest but because they have a common characteristic which is dementia that is either mild or severe. Participants were identified using a computer program. However not all of them who completed the process since some died before the research was over. 3. Did the research account for all the patients who participated in the research properly at the conclusion? The patients who were used in the analysis were properly accounted for because the entire participant went through the same process (Moyle et al. 2014). None of the participants completes the process before the other, and they all went through the same process. All the patients went through a two-treatment and two sequence process until they reached the end. All the participants went through treatment at the same time. Equal treatment reduced the chances of bias. However, some of the participants died before the final results of the research were recorded. 4. Were patients, health workers, and study personnel blind to treatment? The patients, health worker, and study personnel were not given a chance to know the results of the process (Moyle et al. 2014). The trained assistants were not talking to the participants who took part in the process. The assistants never made any physical contact with the participants. The assistant was ordered not to make any indication or act in a way that would influence the results of the research. No deliberate communication either through touching or conversation was allowed to take place between the participants and the assistants. 5. Were the characteristics of the group the same at the start of the trial? The groups used in the research were not equal. The study had more women compared to men (Moyle et al. 2014). The average age was eighty-sixed, and a half but the research involved people who had different ages. The research also involved participant who has enough support and verbal agitation. But they all had a common behavior which was agitation. 6. Howe was the group treated in addition to the experimental intervention, and was there some equality? The participants were treated equally during the massage sessions, and every foot was massaged for five minutes (Moyle et al. 2014). Massage therapists did the message to all participants. The massage therapists included gliding, light pressure massage, flexion and rhythmical strokes in their massage activities. The quiet treatment was also the same among all participants, and it took ten minutes for every participant. (B) What are the results? There was an increase in agitation in the quiet test and the massage session (Moyle et al. 2014). The increase was higher in the quiet presence, and it was low in massage participants. Those in quiet presence reported an increase in alertness while those participating in massage reported a reduction in alertness. 7. How large was the treatment effect? The outcome effect was big because it measured the following: CMIA Total, CMAI physical non-aggression, CMAI physical aggression, CMAI verbal non-aggression, CMAI verbal aggression, OERS anger, OERS anxiety, OERS pleasure, OERS sadness, and OERS general alertness. All the outcomes were clearly specified in a table (Moyle et al. 2014). 8. How precise was the estimate of the treatment effect? Estimation of the process was high because the participants and the assistants were able to maintain confidentiality and nobody influence the results by releasing some crucial information (Moyle et al. 2014). All samples were collected based on the fact that their age was in the required age group and no communication took place among the participants and the assistants as they went through the quiet presence and massage processes. 10. Were all clinically important outcomes considered? The results ought to have provided information on the results that could be achieved if the quiet participation and massage sessions varied depending on the degree of dementia and whether age and gender affected the alertness (Moyle et al. 2014). However, the lacking details do not affect my decision. 11. Were the benefits of the research worth the harms and costs? The results were worth the cost. The researcher got to know how people with dementia reach to quit presence and to a massage (Moyle et al. 2014). It can be used to support further research in future. The results can also be used to backup some argument. Reference Moyle, W, Cooke, M, Beattie, E, Shum, D, O`Dwyer, S Barrett, S 2014, Foot massage versus quiet presence on agitation and mood in people with dementia: a randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, v. 51, pp.856-864
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Creating Bigger Space For A Smaller Space - 1197 Words
Creating bigger space in a smaller space. Extensions varied from project in a huge scale, such as the Great Court in British Museum, to a single one storey housing extension. As the population grows while land not shrinking, it certainly raises concerns from the experts in the field of architecture. We need more space. As we all know technologies are getting better and better every year, we now have some more innovative buildings than before, but it is always good to have conserve the old buildings. In this case, that’s when extension architecture can serve its purpose. The Great Court in British Museum originally designed by Robert Smirke for example, was once a garden. Later on it has turned in to a reading room before they relocated it to the new British library in 1997. With over five million visitors annually, British Museum leads visitors to disorientation and confusion before extensions. Foster + Partner built the extension with three aims, revealing hidden spaces, revi sing old spaces, and creating new spaces. In this case, extensions are crucially influential for this type of architecture, and it has effect how people behave within the building. Before construction, this space serves as an open, or rather empty space. After the extension, this space serves as a centralized circulation to direct visitors’ flow and clarify the footprint of the building itself. Extension has made a space that has not been smartly used into an enhanced space that introduce itsShow MoreRelatedIs Bigger Always Better Essay796 Words  | 4 Pagesquestion for you. Is bigger always better? If your mouth is watering just looking at that decadent New York cheesecake in the bakery window, a bigger slice may indeed be tempting. Although, the result may be a bigger waistline if you indulge too often, which isnt something most of us are trying to capture. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Death penalty1 Essay Example For Students
Death penalty1 Essay InstitutionsThe main idea in this essay, I believe, is how institutions can be so complex with their chain of laws, traditions, custom ideas that provide structure and order of political life. Civilization evolves and changes, and crafted by people who would mold institutions by their own ideology or philosophical view of politics. Political theorists, who writes in a period of chaos and anarchy, and believes politics is a power game, and life is reduced to avoid a pain and seek pleasure. Institutions are shaped by Social chaos, and philosophical perspectives, with intellectual and moral characters of institutional framework. Political institutions with their representatives are not necessarily the sense of democracy. The definition of representative is that legislators and others are elected in the public interest. Most political societies, the period includes the abundant justification of for existence of goals, ideas and objectives of the nation. The self- evident is our Declarati on of Independence because it emanates from nature. Furthermore, the view of the framers political order depends on a person or a political society conforming to law. The book that was written by Madison, Hamilton and jay called the Federalists, using the pseudonym publius are references for the purposes of the United States. And the principals reflected social ethics of society during the founding period, and are manifested of the spiritual and the character intellectual of the framers. Framers are just like artist, using their sculptured work (The American Political System) were from raw materials, and experienced ideas from the past. the circumstances from their time. The government construed by framers reflected the social ethos of the culture and time. The American framers political philosophy reveals their makeup and nature of their existence, and their imaginative view of politics. Then publius argued that government is necessary, and human nature needs government, it being a necessary item because; by rights human nature is flawed and it exist to preserve liberty and freedom. It also ensures truths and institutionalization and preservation. Defined by birth, wealth or privilege In-addition, federalism, checks, balances, separation of power, limited government, judicial review and the American constitutional framework itself, are insights of framers and are a product of their imagination, and makeup. American leaders not defined by birth, wealth, or privilege. Institutions are tied to civilizations development. The American Revolution struggled between political order opposing views. King George 111, violated principals of government from natural law. Calling for independence apart from natural rights, makes no sense, then if the king was a tyrant, he had no right to be a ruling king. But according to colonists his rule was compatible to good government. In our modern times, age, religion, culture and politics have competed for power and influence. Although, the complexity of institutions shapes peoples lives, and the way they live, and are shaped by experiences and ideas. Institutions are viewed as impersonal very often, and they contribute allegiance identity and create an environment which people experience range of emotions, like love, happiness, friendship, and alienations to name a few. So you either live a good life or experience misery. These concepts I am discussing undergo, interpretation and re-interpretation as I have attempted to do. Hopefully I am succeeding. As the surrounding social ethics changes, political institutions have corresponding changes also, usually results from challenges of changing circumstances that require new, or reformed institutions. The tyranny of George the 111, and his desire for American independence created efforts to reshape the political institution of the colonies. This gave rise in these United States, and then wasnt created in a historical vacuum. Nevertheless, the rise of a nation and its founding time, or the fall of a nation its decline, typically philosophers are compelled to answer questions about order and institutions. Plato faced a break down of political order in Athens. He also emphasized the need for statesmen, who could control political institutions, because in Athens the leadership was corrupt and inept. Institutions structure changes occurs when leaders mold characters, and people change or visa-versa. Plato said institutions dont determine personal behavior, nor does behavior determine institutions. Aristotles view of institutions defined in his politics, he emphasized that a man is a social and political animal.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
William Shakespeare Essays (578 words) - William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He was baptized on April 24, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. John was a well-known merchant and Mary was the daughter of a Roman Catholic member of the gentry. Shakespeare was educated at the local grammar school. According to history, Shakespeare was the eldest son, and he should have been the apprentice to his father's shop so that he could be taught everything his father knew and soon take over the business. But instead he was the apprentice to a Butcher because of the trouble in his father's financial situation. Another story says that Shakespeare became a schoolmaster. Shakespeare was allowed a lot of free time when he was young. This was suggested by historians that his plays show more ideas of hunting and hawking than do those of other play writers. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a farmer. He was thought to have left Stratford after he was caught poaching in the Deer Park of Sir Thomas Lucy. He was a local justice of the peace. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had a daughter in 1583 and twins a boy and a girl in 1585. The boy however, eventually did not live. Shakespeare apparently arrived in London around 1588 and by 1592 had gained success as an actor and a playwright. Shortly after that, he secured the business of Henry Wriothesley, 3rd earl of Southampton. The publication of Shakespeare's two poems Venus and Adonis (1593) and The Rape of Lucrece (1594) and some of his Sonnets (published 1609), established a reputation for him as a talented and popular Renaissance poet. The Sonnets describe the devotion of a character to a young man whose beauty and charm he praises and to a mysterious and untrue woman with whom the poet is afraid. The following triangular situation, resulting from the attraction of the poet's friend to the woman, is treated with passionate intensity and psychological insight. However, Shakespeare's modern reputation is based mainly on the 38 plays that he wrote and modified. When in his days, these plays frequently had little respect by his educated friends, who considered English plays of their own to be only tasteless entertainment. Shakespeare's professional life in London was marked by a number of financially beneficial arrangements that allowed him to share in the profits of his acting company, the Chamberlain's Men later called the King's Men. The acting company had two theaters, the Globe Theatre and the Blackfriars. His plays were given special presentation at the courts of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I more frequently than those of any other coexistent writer. It was known that he risked losing royal favor only once, in 1599, when his company performed ?the play of the deposing and killing of King Richard II? at the request of a group of conspirators against Elizabeth. They were led by Elizabeth's unsuccessful court favorite, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, and by the earl of Southampton. In the later study, Shakespeare's company was cl eared of dealing with the conspiracy. After 1608, Shakespeare's dramatic production lessened and it seemed that he spent more time in Stratford. There he had secure family in a wealthy house called New Place. Shakespeare had become a leading local citizen. He died on April 23, 1616, and was buried in the Stratford church. Shakespeare Essays
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