Saturday, August 31, 2019
Preserving the Past for the Present and Future
Logan Shetlar Mrs. Deggner Expository Writing 201 30 March 2012 Preserving the Past for the Present and Future Many people have little to no knowledge about human’s prehistoric past, especially that of humans in the Americas. As you cruise down east bound Interstate 70 and make it through St. Louis, you start to drive by one of North America’s largest prehistoric city structures, Cahokia. According to the Cahokia Mounds Historical Site, this city covered six square miles, had 120 mounds, and was home to anywhere between 10,000 to 20,000 people from the years 700 to 1400 AD (Keller).Cahokia use to be a major regional trade center with huge mounds that had large palaces for city rulers, plazas, different neighborhoods, and even gaming fields, but much of this has been lost from natural wear of the land and also human destruction. I-70, although a hugely important interstate nearly connecting coast to coast, cuts right through some of the city, and new housing developments slowly threaten the area (Ritterbush). This human destruction happens all over and continuously erases some of human history from right beneath our feet.Archaeological sites should be preserved in order to protect unwritten human history, create economical benefits, and teach future generations about the human past and allow for future studies. Much of the reason why many people do not realize there is even a problem with the destruction of archaeological sites is that the sites are prehistoric, meaning they date back to times before written records, and most people have not heard of the sites.People in charge of a building project, such as project developers, may not realize they are about to build on top of an ancient prehistoric site, which is why there has been a federal law that now requires an archaeologist to come out to check land that may be developed. An archaeologist job is to work in the field and scientifically record and recover any artifacts they may find, usually se veral feet in the ground. The archaeologist then records all their findings and takes the material items back to a lab where they are cleaned, processed, and recorded (Professional Archaeologist).Needing to hire an archaeologist from the State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO) inevitably costs money, which makes for a group of people who dislike the law and the idea of preserving sites. Costs vary from the size of the project and weather or not sites are found, and if the law is not followed, federal permits and money can be lost, along with additional fines. All of this can be problematic, and a possible setback in the building plans for the project developers, but it is a very important step (Getting the Archaeological Green Light).In an interview with Prof. Lauren Ritterbush, she told me about the Blue Earth Village, which she has personally worked at in the Manhattan area that has been nearly lost due to human developments. The Blue Earth Village, just east of Manhattan, Kan sas, is an early Kansa Indian village dating back to the 1790s. Modern buildings here, such as houses and a cattle show barn, have covered much of the village that was there prior, but what little is left allows archaeologist a chance to research it and provide the Kansa Indian people with information about their ancestors.If SHPO had been in place when this area was being developed, archaeologists would have been able to excavate the area and record new information about the area. Many archaeological sites also provide economic benefits, such as tourism, to the areas around the world and here in the states. Egypt’s economy relies heavily on tourism, considering the country is home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the pyramids, and other archaeological hot spots. In the year 2008, Egypt profited over 11. 8 billion dollars from tourism in the country.Tourism is also responsible for nearly 12 percent of the labor force in Egypt, making these archaeological sites hugely profitable (Dziadosz). For an example a little closer to home, take the Cahokia site mentioned in the beginning of the paper; the museum society there brings in thousands of new visitors each year. According to an article for the International Journal of Business and Management, tourism is a multi-industrial moneymaker that not only creates jobs, such as people who work in the museum at Cahokia, but also gets people to spend money in the area.The people that visit these sites need a hotel to stay in, gas to get their and back home, and food to eat; all providing profits that trickle back into the local economy. (Ardahaey 3). Much of the money that the these preservation sites receive are through donations (apparent on almost any website pertaining to archaeology by the â€Å"donate†page), so any money they make will go directly back into the economy through hiring new employees and allowing more of the sites to be preserved (Ken Keller).Some people may argue that stores, su ch as Wal-Mart, will do more economically for an area, but you cannot put a price tag on the knowledge that can be learned from the sites themselves. Getting an education is one of the most important parts of life in the 21st century, and for many generations to come. We all go to school till we are at least 16 years old and many of us go onto higher education, devoting nearly all of our first 25 years of life to school and gaining an education. Preserving sites give a chance for future generations to learn from the site hands on and lead to possible new discoveries as future technologies are improved.Many people do not really know what an archaeologist really does, or how their work affects anyone in anyway. One misconception of archaeologists is that their work is unimportant. In one of Shana Leslie’s online articles, she states â€Å"Modern archaeologists work closely with specialists in a variety of fields – from medical doctors to environmentalists to policy plan ners†(Leslie). Archaeologists are able to determine what an area’s climate was like thousands of years ago by testing different layers of soils or how a whole group of people began to die out from their bones (Ritterbush).Another important part of the knowledge gained from the work of archaeologist is how humans have evolved over time. Not that human beings have physically changed, but the way we live and the technologies we are able to use and come up with have greatly changed. Archaeologists are able to date their finds and look at how people lived from hundreds of thousands of years ago, to just a couple thousand, which provides incite as to how we went from people using stone tools and living in natural shelters to the iPad using, web surfing, technologically advanced people we are now.The science and knowledge gained from archaeologist field and lab work can affect people in nearly any type of profession, and help teach the future generations about our human past. While the problem of losing archaeological sites to human development is not a news-breaking event, it is still largely important and creates multiple views. People who work in project management and on building planning teams deal with the necessary set backs that may occur from needing SHPO to come in and check their land. SHPO costs money and time, and depending on if a site or sites re found, could increase both of these, making some dislike the archaeological efforts. Many people also have opposing views on the economic values of archaeological sites, believing that the sites could be put to better uses such as farm land or being built up for businesses. Still some people are just unaware of the importance of an archaeologist’s job and the sites they work on. For several reasons, archaeological sites should be preserved because they offer knowledge about prehistoric human history, create economical benefits, and teach future generations about the human past and allow fo r future research.Nearly all of what we know today about life before written records, from locations like Pompeii to the city of Cahokia just east of St. Louis, comes from the work of archaeologist. While archaeological research may cause troubles for project planners who look to build on undeveloped land, the work that these scientist do can provide new information about life before we knew it. The sites found also offer economical benefits as they attract tourists to visit the location and spend their money.These benefits to the economy are incentive to continue and preserve archaeological research as it brings in more money and helps educate future generations. The work of archaeologist helps to advance the knowledge of the human past, provide new information in other professions, and ensure future generations the chance to continue to learn from these sites. For those reasons, there should be more support of archaeologists preserving archaeological sites. Work Cited Ardahaey, F.. â€Å"Economic Impacts of Tourism Industry. † International Journal of Business and Management 6.  (2011): 206-215. Research Library, ProQuest. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. Dziadosz, Alexander. â€Å"Egypt Tourism Numbers to Fall Less than Feared. †| Reuters. Thomas Reuters Corporate, 20 Oct. 2009. Web. 27 Mar. 2012. http://af. reuters. com/article/investingNews/idAFJOE59J0PG20091020? sp=true. | Keller, Ken, Eric Young, and Gary Kronk. â€Å"Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site and Cahokia Mounds Museum Society. †Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site and Cahokia Mounds Museum Society. Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. http://www. cahokiamounds. org. Leslie, Shana. Archaeology – 10 Common Misconceptions About Archaeologists – Shana Leslie, Freelance Writer – SEO Copywriting & Professional Writing Services. †Shana Leslie, Freelance Writer. Web. 27 Mar. 2012. http://www. shanaleslie. com/item. asp? iid=28. Ri tterbush, Lauren. Personal Interview. 13 Mar. 2012 Professional Archaeologists of Kansas. Getting the Archaeological Green Light for Your Projects. Kansas: Professional Archaeologists of Kansas, 2012. Print. Professional Archaeologists of Kansas. Professional Archaeologists. Kansas: Professional Archaeologists of Kansas, 2012. Print.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Edmunds Corrugated Parts Essay
The issues that Edmunds Corrugated Parts and Services have been faced with all lead the company to be in position that they are in. This company issues could be sum up as employment and competitor advantage. The employee issues started from the beginning of the company. According to the case Larry, the owner and operator, was not only given a loan but also a barn to start his business. Which was a great start for Larry because he was able to employee about 100 people which many of them were his neighbors. Just as in any company Edmunds Corrugated Parts and Services was face with the fact of replacing employees because they were nearing retirement. As time change the younger generation sought to move away and not stay local so Larry was face with a potential unemployment issue in his company. The other issue that Edmunds was faced with was the fact that they were losing several industries in the United States. According to the case consolidation in the paper industry had wiped out hundreds of the U. S plants that Edmunds once served, with many of the survivors either opening overseas facilities or entering into joint ventures abroad. This was causing the loss of business for this company. Especially when the manufactures were investing in higher quality machines that broke down less frequently. This was the beginning of companies not utilize Edmunds parts because the parts were not needed. This issue was halting the growth and the even the potential to keep the company at the standing they were in for the past years. Create and describe a strategy for addressing the situation at hand. There are various ways of address the two situations at hand. As for the employee issues that they would be facing it is as simple of being proactive. Since the younger generation is leaving the area than there must be incentives for them. The New York Times reported that a Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, known as Midwest I. S. O was faced with a similar problem. It was even reported that the jobs are so complex that summer interns and college graduates can’t step right into them. Just as the problem of the younger generation moving away and not wanting to stay both companies had similar issues. One of the first things we did was to enhance our employee referral program. Employees now have several opportunities to make money by referring candidates. First, we give any employee who refers a candidate a scratch-off card with a discount for coffee, food or a movie, and we enter their names into a monthly drawing. The monthly winner gets $300, even if we don’t hire the person who was recommended (Begley 2008). When employees refer new employees that general means that the current employee is vested and want to see the company succeed. When the new employee performs below standards than that reflects the current employee and they generally will police themselves. This would allow the current employee to essential hire their replacement and the company could continue with its business. As far as the other issue of growth and losing clients there are many ways that Edmunds could fix it. Edmunds could look into a joint venture. A joint venture or strategic alliance is a form of partnership where businesses come together to share knowledge, markets, and profits. Joint ventures can take on various forms. Small companies can band together to take on the goliaths of their industry. Big companies can form alliances with quicker and nimbler small businesses. And small companies have the opportunity to forge strategic alliances with big name companies for expanded geographic reach (Zarhorsky 2012). This strategy could help them serve the companies that they had lost. If they are in a partnership with the company that services the newer machines they could reach all of the clients that both companies have. In essence it would they could be one company for all machine and equipment needs. Assess which element in the strategy you just described would be the hardest to implement and explain why. Within any business a partnership the difficult part is the implementation of it. The problem that Edmunds would have is the fact of trying to join with a competitor. The companies that are servicing the newer machines are his competition because they have the same clients he uses to. The advantage that Edmunds has is they still have a market share and both companies would benefit from this. According to Business Link a joint venture can also be very flexible. For example, a joint venture can have a limited life span and only cover part of what you do, thus limiting the commitment for both parties and the business’ exposure. This does not have to be a longer term but just to make one stop show to server all of the machines whether they are new or older model. A joint venture can help your business grow faster, increase productivity and generate greater profits. A successful joint venture can offer access to new markets and distribution networks, increased capacity, sharing of risks and costs with a partner, access to greater resources, including specialized staff, technology and finance (Business Link 2012). With all of these factors this would cause the company to grown and be able to stay in business. The difficult part would be to implement the changes that come with a partnership. The companies would have to adopt each other policies and produces to assure they are serving the customer on the same level. Describe what strategies Edmunds could use in the future to reduce potential crises before they happen. One of the main issues that Edmunds was having was centered around employees. Edmunds employees were soon to retire and there were no plans to back fill them. Today, many companies recruit and hire to fill holes â€Å"in the moment†and don’t always consider their long-term business goals or the future needs of the organization. This can potentially lead to bad hires or ultimately, lost opportunities (Hess 2011). There was no recruitment strategy in place to assure that there were back fills for the employees. The only mention was that of the younger generation leaving and not wanting to stay local. As the war for talent continues to escalate, it’s essential that key business leaders are involved with the development of your recruitment strategy to ensure that every hire you make is a good one – for today and tomorrow. Hiring to your business strategy is paramount to ensuring that you’re not only hiring the best available talent – but you’re hiring the best available talent with the desired experience and competencies, to meet both current and future needs of the organization. The future success of your company depends on it (Hess 2011). If the company would hired based on their business model this would help attach the right qualified people. They were only concern with going after the younger generation but the experience was with a older generation. Older generation still has at least 10 years or more and would be significantly younger than that of the retiring work. This strategy with help fix one of their major issues. With a new set of employees brings on a new set of ideas and ways of conducting business. Another area that could help prevent or reduce a potential crisis is developing a Research and Development program. According to Business Exchange research and development (R&D) taken on a more prominent role in businesses, as consumer are looking for quality and innovation at a reasonable price range. This is why Edmunds began to lose clients because the machines changed and there was not a need for their parts on the newer machines. More and more companies are looking to their R&D teams for the â€Å"next great things†as they navigate through the current recession. When revenue is low companies will begin to look for new innovative ways of doing business. Edmunds was not prepared for this shift in the market. If a R&D program was in place this would help prepare for them what lies ahead.
Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Essay
T. C. Boyle’s â€Å"Carnal Knowledge†narrates about the life of Jim, his character and feelings. The use of irony indicates about the real life events and how Jim encountered them. Use of Irony shows how Jim faced tyranny and revealed about his character. Irony is used at different points in the story. Thesis: The use of Irony in this story depicts how man tries to gain love and other materialistic things in life but how events lead to misfortunes and undesirable results. Normally true relations never develop if they’re based on lies and fake attitude. The narrator describes about the meat in the supermarket and it is the first point when Irony is used. He desperately describes the delicious ways in which meat is consumed and an indication how he loves meat and he’s not a vegan. Jim is totally inclined towards the taste and not worried about how the animals are killed. In another instance irony is used when he meets with Alena and Alf. When Jim in out on dinner with Alena, again he had no meat to eat because of Alena’s involvement in animal protection. Irony usually results from person’s own faults in character. Alf peed on Jim. There is he met Alena. Appearance of Alf was another point of irony for him as the dog peed on him. Then later dog tried to attack on him. Jim is not very caring about animals. But when he meets Alena, he does care but not for animals but only for Alena and to prove to be ‘so good’ that he cares. Though he loved to eat meat but he decline to admit in front of Alena that he eat meat and pretended that he’s a vegetarian. It was his irony that he was deprived of having meat in meal in order to show Alena that he’s the same like her and she might got interested in him seeing all these characters. The narrator is also left in irony when he was in turkey farm. Irony was used at this point when Jim’s feelings were hurt as he was left in the farm. Jim tried to save turkeys. Though he did his best to become a good heroic image in the eyes of Alena, but still she did not pay any attention to him and cleared this point to him that there is â€Å"no’ relation between us and our purpose is only to save animals. While saving turkeys he felt more like hungry then wanting to save them. At farm Jim had to handle all the core tasks while his beloved was away with other cores. Though Jim tried to impress Alena with his lies but did not succeed. It was Alena’s love for animals and that’s for she cared. She never thought about meat and the taste. But Jim’s focus was meat and the taste it gives in different forms. Jim’s irony was that he never got what he wanted to be in Alena’s eyes. Conclusion In the â€Å"Carnal Knowledge†irony is used in terms that despite his all efforts to become so good in the eyes of Alena his endeavors were wasted. His character does not seem to be realistic. He lied to prove himself good. He was not really a good person but he tried to be good just to have more attention from Alena, and finally all his efforts were wasted. Works Cited T. C. Boyle’s â€Å"Carnal Knowledge†In Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature, Seventh Edition, p. 267
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Leadership - Assignment Example These ethical standards governing the existence of human life encompass diverse realms of endeavors including business entities. As businesses comprise a greater majority of the world’s human activities, the importance of studying ethics come as a necessity rather than a matter of natural occurrence. During the 1990s, the study on business ethics have been clearly structured and formalized through acknowledging it as a necessary part of business operations. Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell (2009, 6) define business ethics as â€Å"the principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business†. In the field of accounting, for example, Smith & Smith (2010) indicated that ethical issues were clearly identified in its practice as evidenced by the book written by Michael Josephson describing the â€Å"Ten Universal Values, as follows: honesty, integrity, promise-keeping, fidelity, fairness, caring, respect for others, responsible citizenship, pursuit of excellence, and accountability†(Smith & Smith, 2010, par. 10). Likewise, with organizations venturing in international markets, the tenets of moral and ethics need to encompass standards and guidelines which widen the jurisdiction of business ethics internationally. As averred by Enderle (1997), â€Å"business ethics is an emerging and dynamic field, depending strongly on economic factors, but also on political changes and a growing awareness of value conflicts and ethical and environmental demands†(1475). Business ethics discusses the concepts on leadership and management where managerial responsibilities for the conduct of subordinates need to conform to ethical codes for guidance and compliance. The study of ethics give direction to promote the ethical behavior expected of stakeholders in the business setting. It assists individuals and groups in understanding the ways to cope and address conflicts
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Sales Management Practices at Shield Financial Assignment
Sales Management Practices at Shield Financial - Assignment Example In any service or industrial sector, no company can enjoy monopoly; competition always exists. Shield Financial has a major competitor named All-Safe which follows fairly good practices, and Shield Financial also designs and re-designs its products and sales practices in order to compete in a healthy manner. From the case, we have seen that Shield Financial has changed its direction a little in order to stay updated in the competition. Previously, it has always focused on small to medium accounts for generating income, but this time the goal is to target bigger accounts. Focusing on bigger accounts is a challenging task because the sales representatives and managers are quite used to dealing with the small and medium account holders. Shield Financial has named this new approach as the First Plus program. The management practices at Shield Financial are strictly resulted oriented. The senior managers want to achieve the outcomes of the goals they plan out for the company. In the resul t oriented approach, the management determines priorities and ensures that the employees have adequate resources available such as workforce, capacity, and infrastructure. The employees, on the other hand, are given the authority to take personal responsibility for achieving the goals laid down by the senior management. They have to plan out their time, talent and knowledge so that they can deliver results as per the expectations of the management. In our given case, the CEO holds the philosophy that if the employees keep on adding numbers, everything else will take care of itself, meaning if the sales in figures keep coming in, everything will run smoothly. By following the result oriented approach, the management set out the goals for the sales managers to promote the First Plus program as a means to earn revenue. Managers including Doug Bloom find the task challenging because it is difficult to redirect the efforts of the sales staff to just one initiative when they are already w orking hard on their previously set targets. Serving as a sales representative for over four years, Doug Bloom understands that the sales staff will not be happy with the job of taking hold of larger accounts because small accounts are easy to handle and have commission tied up with them too. Furthermore, sales representatives will show clear resentment when the new goal from the corporate would be presented to them. Some might even fail to adopt and resign, so Doug will have to use management skills (such as motivation, encouragement, or non-monetary rewards) to achieve consent and results from his team. This might be a great problem for Doug who is new at the management position. Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Alternate Options for Feeding the Animal Herd Assignment
Alternate Options for Feeding the Animal Herd - Assignment Example Flood damage, extreme humidity at harvest time as well as reduced hay yields have left lots of low beef manufacturers having to face shortage of forage for the forthcoming winter. Moreover, the drought in a lot of countries have positioned huge payments on scavenges that are obtainable to purchase. However, this paper consists of how animals should be nourished properly according to their body weight every day. The amount of food provided to them should be used to be based on the quality of the fiber plus the addition of grain to the diet. Additionally, animal's physiological states roughages, by explanation, are feeds that are high in fiber are also discussed in the thesis. This paper consists of various research and techniques to increase hay supplies. Alternate Options for Feeding the Animal Herd When Hay Supplies are Short 2 Chapter 1 1. Introduction Throughout the years of tough climate circumstances, for instance, delayed frosts and reduced yields can consequence in increased hassle for herd owners. Distressing about what they will provide for cows all through the winter or increase production expenses as hay marketplaces are far above the ground. There are quite a few methods that can help in dropping the feed requirements and will be discussed in the paper. Alternate ways, for example, usage of straw, in drought years are also mentioned in the paper to converse how hay supplies might be stretched. Nearly all cattle's in the U.S. are spring calving. As a result, manufacture and nutrient requirements are lowest throughout this time structure with supplies growing all through the late development. However, in late 2005 and throughout the majority of 2006, United States got...Additionally, animal's physiological states roughages, by explanation, are feeds that are high in fiber are also discussed in the thesis. This paper consists of various research and techniques to increase hay supplies. Throughout the years of tough climate circumstances, for instance, delayed frosts and reduced yields can consequence in increased hassle for herd owners. Distressing about what they will provide for cows all through the winter or increase production expenses as hay marketplaces are far above the ground. There are quite a few methods that can help in dropping the feed requirements and will be discussed in the paper. Alternate ways, for example, usage of straw, in drought years are also mentioned in the paper to converse how hay supplies might be stretched. Nearly all cattle's in the U.S. are spring calving. As a result, manufacture and nutrient requirements are lowest throughout this time structure with supplies growing all through the late development. However, in late 2005 and throughout the majority of 2006, United States got familiar with the third concession hay yield in less than a decade.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Fundamentals of Macroeconomics paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fundamentals of Macroeconomics - Research Paper Example Real domestic product however defines the value of a country’s total production in goods and services at constant base prices of the commodities. Such a basis may be each commodity’s price in a given year (Mankiw, 2011). Purchasing of groceries reduces amount of money among the purchasing households and increases amount of money held by businesses. It also increases government revenues through tax on the groceries. It however has no economic value on households and business because it involves exchange of similar values. The government however derives economic gain in the taxes (Mankiw, 2011). The layoff reduces households’ revenues because of its unemployment effect on members of households. It also adversely affects businesses through reduced revenues because of households’ lower spending power. Layoffs also affect the government through lost revenues in income tax. The government’s revenue is further reduced because lower purchasing power into reduced demand results in low revenues from value added tax (Mankiw, 2011). Decrease in tax has the effect of increasing households’ money reserves from both direct and indirect taxes. A decrease in direct tax results in higher income and a decrease in indirect taxes leads to lower commodity prices that allows for more savings by households. The effects of reduced tax on households also mean their increased purchasing power that suggests an increase in sales and revenues among businesses. The government however losses revenues that it would however earn at higher taxes (Mankiw, 2011). Purchasing groceries has no net economic flow between households and businesses because it is a mere exchange of equivalent values between the two parties. Money, however, flows from both businesses and households to the government in taxes (Mankiw, 2011). Lowering taxes identifies a virtual transfer of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Select 5 poems by Emily Dickinson and analyze them Essay
Select 5 poems by Emily Dickinson and analyze them - Essay Example The poems depart â€Å"from traditional forms as well as conventions of language and meter,†and are characterized by â€Å"her abstract, spare musicality and contemplative introversion†They encompass a wide range of emotions, from sorrow to love (Poets. org.). Emily Dickinson’s poems demonstrate her unique themes, style and use of poetical elements. In â€Å"I'm nobody! Who are you?†Dickinson uses her characteristic, unusual dash-like punctuation. The two quatrains are in iambic meter. The poem is satirical in tone and mocks a society which admires self-aggrandizement. Dickinson uses the simile of the frog to represent a self-important public figure. She goes on to use the derogatory word â€Å"bog†as a metaphor for a vacuous society which cannot identify true worth. By directly addressing the reader and using the word â€Å"us,†Dickinson establishes an immediate rapport and empathy with the reader and defiantly announces her self-identi ty outside social circles. There is a strong note of irony in the poem, as it is evident that the poet actually considers the â€Å"Nobodies†to be superior to the â€Å"some bodies†valued by pretentious society. In â€Å"It Sifts From Leaden Sieves†, Dickinson describes the great beauty of a winter landscape, giving it a sense of calm which soothes the reader. Nature here is seen as a source of peace and beauty. Again, Dickinson make effective use of several metaphors: the â€Å"leaden sieves†refer to gray, overcast winter skies, while â€Å"it†is the snow which dusts the landscape like flour; â€Å"Alabaster Wool†and â€Å"fleeces†represents snowflakes which are fluffy and white like wool and also cold like stone (alabaster); the earth is a face whose wrinkles and ups-and-downs are smoothed over by the snow. In a striking alliteration: â€Å"To Stump, and Stack - and –Stem†(Dickinson 13), the poet emphasizes ever y aspect of the snow-covered landscape. The snow is powdery flour, it is soft and fluffy wool, it is cold snow, it is a heavenly veil which covers the face of the earth, it is lace with ruffles the posts. The poem captures the beauty of winter through a wealth of imagery and metaphor. The poem, â€Å"I Like to See it Lap the Miles,†is in the form of a riddle. It uses metaphor to compare a train to a horse. The poet effectively conveys the image of the train as an iron horse which is voracious in its appetite for land and laps, licks and feeds itself. She also coveys the power of this ‘iron horse’ by metaphorically comparing it to the Boanerges, or sons of thunder. Dickinson uses weak rhyme in this poem, with words which have similar, but not identical, sounds: â€Å"up†and â€Å"step;†â€Å"peer†and â€Å"pare;†â€Å"while†and â€Å"hill;†â€Å"star†and â€Å"door.†There is an underlying strain of a ntagonism in the poem, as seen in the alliterative â€Å"horrid, hooting†(Dickinson 11). Dickinson is critical of the industrial invasion of the natural world by the railroad and feels that man’s closeness to nature is hindered by the effects of civilization. Dickinson’s poem, â€Å"Some Keep the Sabbath in Church,†clearly shows that she sees God in Nature. The quatrains show the traditional true rhyming pattern. The use of alliteration: â€Å"Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice†(Dickinson 5); â€Å"Sexton – sings†(8) and the capitalization of the keywords add emphasis to the poem. As is usual in her poems, Dickinson uses metaphor liberally: she compares the bobolink to the choir and to the sexton, the orchard to
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Applications Of The Law In The Legal Systems Essay - 1
Applications Of The Law In The Legal Systems - Essay Example The Nazis had broken the natural law which is under the Jurisprudence. This is so because the natural law under the jurisprudence refers to use of reason and morality to judge and not solely judge based on legal status. It is usually applied in scenarios where the legal law cannot be enforced due to either lack of the law or the situation is too complicated to have the law. Morality according to the natural law is concerned with differentiating between what is good and what is bad. Reason refers to the motivation behind committing the good or bad act or deed. This is usually what this type of jurisprudence seeks to establish in a case scenario. This was also what the Nazis should have been charged with following the inhumane they committed while under Hitler’s orders as they claimed. Violation of the natural law comes in if those being charged committed any atrocities that were not in line with the morality of human beings (Bix 145). The killings and inhumane treatment accorded to the Jews by the Nazis were bad (immoral) and against human rights. But they claimed to have acted on Hitler’s orders and hence this gives the reason behind their immoral treatment. If the law was to be enforced on the Nazis, the punishment for such actions no matter the reasoning would be severe. Even when the reasons for such acts are incorporated, they still were in a position to decline due to the unethical way those affected were treated hence punishment due to that should have been enforced although not that severely. However, when no law is considered and the reasons are used as the basis for judgment, the Nazis still committed unethical acts against their fellow human beings and hence deserved a form of punishment. Good ethical conduct is against the killing of a fellow human being and especially if the one being killed has not committed any immoral thing.
Friday, August 23, 2019
E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
E-commerce - Essay Example The increasing online shopping preference of the consumers is equally gaining momentum especially among the young generation (Information Resources Management Association & Khosrow-Pour, 2002). The integral aspect of globalization and online marketing and sales overrides the competitive agenda for companies. The creation of websites for enquiries and transactions which is highlighted in the paper makes the work captivating and consistent with observed social changes. The author also points out the effectiveness of web-based consumer interaction with the organization (In Lee & IGI Global, 2014). In fact the idea of increased confidence to make enquiries has significantly boosted sales for companies. Besides, E-commerce is portrayed as a tool of customer feedback mechanism on their areas of dissatisfaction. The efficiency of consumer choice platform on websites has offered consumers space, time and varieties to choose from. This underscores the benefits of E-commerce to the companies and consumers (Cheeseman & Cheeseman, 2003). Through E-commerce, consumers are accessible to custom made product options. This has blended well with the current generation and offers a smooth transition for the older generation. The discussion is generally exhaustive in terms of addressing the concepts and applications that surround
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Events in Childhood and How They Have Changed Essay - 4
Events in Childhood and How They Have Changed - Essay Example My friends and I would have fun that day were bouncing castle and swimming covered the better part of the day, among other games, there were other activities such as musical chair and face painting. When I got hungry with my friends my parents could organize food and snacks for all of us to eat to our maximum while we were singing and laughing. I would later receive presents of different kids from relatives and friends. My Viewpoint here is that my parents did all this to show me some love in these events that only occurred once in a year and made it memorable, the events that I experienced as a child made me appreciate the role my parents played in my upbringing (Bruce 290). There are some events that have never changed only for my perception to change, since childhood. I can remember when I was still a child; every Sunday my parents and I would always attend the church services on all Sundays. This experience has never changed even when I have grown up since up to now I still go to church. I view this as an important place of the event that I was exposed into since I was a kid, as my parents wanted me to grow as a religious person. This event of going to church is common to many and it has been there for centuries and it will continue in all levels of life.From the above events that I experienced above I will deduce that did for me because there was a change when I was a child and now when I am an adult, this is because the birthday celebrations that my parents use to hold for me where I could experience fun with my family and friends are no longer there since they regard me as an adult them considering that I was a child at then.
Ethics - Food Essay Example for Free
Ethics Food Essay Although most people do not realize it, patrons of food establishments place their lives in the establishments hands. Improper storing and labeling of food items or selling slightly-expired food can be tempting from a financial perspective but can lead to serious injury or worse due to food poisoning, cross-contamination or allergic reactions. Food establishments should include firm commitments to food safety in their codes of ethics, always placing food safety above financial concerns. This includes going beyond the letter of the law to enforce the highest product quality standards. A code of ethics should include a commitment to sell only healthy products and never to use harmful ingredients. (http://smallbusiness. chron. com/code-ethics-food-establishments-10815. html) Delicious This Code of Ethics describes standards of conduct for Healthylicious board members, officers, managers and all other employees of Heakthylicious, and has been approved by the Healthylicious Restaurant Group, Inc. Board of Directors. Many of the policies in this Code are based on various laws and regulations. Other are based on business and ethical principles than enhance Healthylicious ability to conduct its business effectively. Others restate basic work rules and principles contained in the Employee Handbook. The purpose of the Code is to provide guidance and set common ethical standards each of us must adhere to on a consistent basis. It governs the actions and working relationships of board members, officers, managers and all other employees in dealing with fellow employees, guests, competitors, vendors, suppliers, governmental and self-regulatory agencies, the media, and anyone else with whom our company has contact. These relationships are essential to the continued success of Healthylicious restaurant . (www. mortons. com/assets/pdf/code_of_ethics. pdf? ) This Code: †¢ Requires the highest standards for honest and ethical conduct, including proper and ethical procedures for dealing with conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships. †¢ Requires full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that Mortons files with, or submits to, governmental and regulatory agencies, and in other public communications made by Mortons. †¢ Requires compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations. †¢ Requires the prompt internal report of any illegal behavior or violations of the Code. †¢ Establishes accountability for adherence to the Code. †¢ Provides for methods to communicate violations of the code. * We consider moral as an inevitable factor in caring on any duties talking decisions. We try to follow the highest standards based on Sincerity, generosity, conscientious. * We carry on the affairs individually groups to bring about validity to our company. * We at all times spend all of our energy resources towards production and services to guarantee our success against our competitor. * We behave equally towards all our guests all race religion, nationally and beliefs. * We offer all our services productions in highest standard with perfect constancy. * We provide a safe sanitary environment for all our guests and personal. * We try to stay for good at highest position in majority in word, practice ethic affairs. * We promote knowledge, education experience and motivation for all the staff in order to do their duties in a higher standard. * We provide equal opportunities for anyone to carry on their duties and all the staff which is working in similar level would be evaluated no differently. * We fully try to protect the natural environment and resources while carry on our duties. * We are looking for a fair share of income, no more or less. an. Our Mission †¢ To provide a wholesome dining experience, with Top Quality food, healthy and a staff that wants to exceed the CUSTOMERS expectations!! Our Vision †¢ To maintain a profitable operation that will continue our TRADITION of Quality Family dining, at a reasonable cost, in a comfortable atmosphere, with exceptional service. Our Values †¢ We are in business to meet our customer’s needs. †¢ We believe in empowering our staff to resolve customers concerns on the spot. We treat our employees as we want them to treat our customers. †¢ We believe in continuing our Family Tradition. †¢ We believe in you the customer, and by this tradition we will continue to make a reasonable profit, that will allow us to remain competitive, healthy, community involved, and a Family Restaurant where generation will continue to gather. †¢ We seek your comments, for we realize to exceed your expectations, we need to know what they are. †¢ Your safety, health, comfort, nourishment and Quality Service are Number One to US!!!
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Use Of Power In Organizations
Use Of Power In Organizations Personal power is power that resides with an individual, regardless of his or her position in the organization. Someone usually exercise personal power through rational persuasion or by playing of followers identifications with him or her. An individual with personal power often can inspire greater loyalty and dedication in followers than someone who has only position power. The stronger influence from the fact that the followers are acting more from choice than from necessity and thus will respond more readily to request and appeals. Of course the influence of a leader who relies only on personal power is limited, because followers may freely decided not to accept his or her directives or orders. The distinctions between formal and informal leaders are also related to position and personal power .A formal leader will have , at minimum, position power. And an informal leader will similarly have some degree of personal power. Just as a person may be both a formal and an informal leader, he or she can have both position and personal power simultaneously. Indeed such a combination usually has the greatest potential influence on the action of others. An individual with both personal and position power will have the strongest overall power. Likewise , an individual with neither personal nor position power will have the weakest overall power. Finally when either personal or position power is high but the other is low, the individual will have a moderate level or overall power. The Uses of Power in Organizations Power can be used in many ways in an organization. But because of the potential for its misuse and the concerns that it may engender, it is important that the mangers fully understand the dynamics of using power. In using expert power, managers aware of their education, experience, and accomplishments as they apply to current circumstances. But to maintain credibility , a leader should not pretend to know things that he or she really does not know. A leader whose pretension are exposed will rapidly lose expert power. A confident and decisive leader demonstrate a firm grasp of situations and takes charge when circumstances. Managers should also keep themselves informed about development related to tasks that are valuable to the organization and relevant to their expertise. A leader who recognizes employee concerns works to understand the underlying nature of these issues and takes appropriate steps to reassure subordinates. For e.g. , if employees feel threatened by rumors that they will lose office space after the next move, the leader might ask them about this concern and then find out just how much office space there will be and tell the subordinates, a leader should be careful not to flaunt expertise or behave like a he know everything. Suppose a manager has asked subordinates to spend his day finishing an important report. Later, while the manager is out of the office, the manager boss comes and ask the subordinates to drop that project and work on something else. The subordinates will then be in the akward position of having to choose which of two higher-ranking individuals to obey. Exercising authority regularly wil reinforce its presence in the eyes of subordinates. Verifying compliances simply means that leaders should find out whether subordinates have carried out their request before giving rewards otherwise subordinates may not recognize the linkage between their performance and subsequent reward. The request that is to be rewarded must be both reasonable and feasible, of course, because even the promise of a reward will not motivate a subordinates who thinks a request should not or cannot be carried out. The same can be said for a request that seems improper or unethical. Among other things, the follower may see a reward linked to an improper or ethical request. Finally if the leader promises a reward that subordinates know she or he cannot actually deliver , or if they have little use for a reward the manager can deliver, they will not be motivated to carry out the request. Further , they may grow sceptical of the leaders ability to deliver rewards that are worth something to them. Bases of Power Leaders are not automatically endowed an unlimited amount of power over subordinates . leaders also differ in terms of the sources of bases upon which power over subordinates can be exerted. There are five different powers that affect leadership which include expert power, referent power, legitimate power, reward power and coercive power. The first base of power is labelled coercive power. The basis of the influence is the fact that one person can punish another. Thus , a subordinates may do what a leader request because the leader has the power to fire the subordinates. Although the threat of punishment may give a leader considerable power over subordinates ,coercive power generally is not a very efficient base of power. The second power base described by French and Raven is labelled reward power. This is essentially the opposite of coercive power. That is subordinates do what the leader wants because the leader has the ability to reward them in some way. For example, a subordinates may comply with a leader request that he or she work overtime because the leader has the power to grant this employee a larger pay increase when raised are given out. The Third power base is labelled legimate power. This power emanates from the position that one holds in an organization. In most organization settings, the fact that one employees is another employee is another employees supervisor means that the supervisor has a legimate right to make request of the other person. Note that this legitimate right is independent of the person holding the position. The Fourth power base is expert power. This is power based on the fact that an individual is perceived as an expert on something to ask a group of subordinates to work on a weekend may bring the group before making the request. When exchange is used as an influence tactics, the leader offers subordinates something in return for complying with the request, or perhaps offers them a share of the benefits that accrue when a task iis accomplished. The fifth is Pressure. This involves the use of demands ,threats ,or persistent monitoring to make subordinates comply with a request . Suppose a supervisor wants to make sure a subordinates is on time every morning. One way to do this would be check the persons desk to see if he or she is present by the required time. Although pressure may at times get leader the behaviour they desire, this almost always comes in the form of compliance on the part of the employee. Leadership Good leaders are gifted, everyone cant lead it . If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process, of self-study, education, training, and experience. To inspire the workers to a higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things to, know, . It do not come naturally, but when we acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders practices are continually works and studying to improve their leadership skills. Before we get started, lets define leadership. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others, the objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. The most popular definitions is that leadership is a quality of the persons possess that allows them to rule, and lead other people. That quality consists of a persons charisma, power of thought, intellectual potential, organizational talents, and sense of responsibility. Other leadership essays examples give a different definition: leadership is concrete knowledge of psychology and social interaction, anyone can certainly develop the ability to be a leader. We have seen someone ordinary leading a company or an organization. We have seen someone who is leading a country, but has no charisma, no special skills. There is little doubt youll answer no. We can give the example of Hitler whenever he gives the speech everyone claps he was just a amazing person but the secret is whenever he comes in the stage he used to practice in front of mirror .Unfortunately, there are so many people in our world who are in the top positions, who have influence and power, although nobody really sees a real leader in them. Perhaps being a leader simply means being in a position over other people. Of course, their are some strategy to lead someone is to have the skills to make someone undertake what you want. Although it does not signify that this someone has no other solution. A real leader is someone who is respected by other people and due to this respect is followed by them. Being a leader demands something distinctive should be there in a person something that makes him or her special, something stronger, and probably better than others so he compete with others. Thats why its not correct to think its virtually anyone can easily be a leader but not the perfect. Of course, to be a good one, we should improve our self, gain more and more practical knowledge as well as the experience, although with effort the leadership potential we can become a good leader. The Power of Leadership What is leadership? What is power? We define the two as a cornerstone of any successful team, organization, or for any successful country. If there to analyze the U.S. we could see this very clearly. The U.S. is the leader and one of the most dominating countries in the world, hence being called world power. What we estimate that leadership compliments from power, and power compliments leadership. When these two qualities are used in a responsible manner success soon and follows the right path . If we refer to the history books, we can come to the conclusion that wars are won by good leadership and a responsible use of power. Whenever we mention the word Power most of the people will think that power is evil, corrupt, self-serving, manipulative and hurtful. When we used power is in an ethical and in purposeful way, there is nothing evil about it. Leadership is interpersonal influence, exercised in a situation, and directed, through communication process ,and it is an attainment of a specified goal or goals. If we would delegate responsibility to someone, we need to analyse that person with the power as well. Managers and leaders always commit the mistake of giving people responsibility, and not giving them the actual power so that they can execute their responsibilities well. How many people have we met that they are frustrated with their jobs simply because they had job responsibilities that they did not have much power to fulfil. They try their very best, but they gave resigned or frustrated because they realize they simply do not have the better resources; decision making power; time to fulfill it. In other words, they were given a task, but they were not given the resources to complete that task. Leadership, power and influence is a theme within management or the organization that is constantly developing. Leaders are now a days developing new and innovative ways to empower themselves and the followers in order to get the best out of them they follow the leaders to become like him or her the advantage is that the work is done properly and the followers. We have decided to look at the assumption that what leadership is based on,and the different types of relationships between the people, rather than the skills and abilities of just one person. We know this theory allows for a large network of interaction of people from all walks of life, they have the ability to shape these people through the influence and power of the leader. So the objective was to examine the forms of power and the relationships of different power. There are five sources of power that are commonly referred to when describing leadership. The different approaches with supporting evidence gathered from successful leaders. They demonstrated the challenges experienced it face the reality and how they have overcome from the situation ,these obstacles through the use of leadership, power and influence. Different leadership patterns are applicable to different genders, while these behavioral strategies note above present unique solutions for men and women. It is believed that females as a rule would have softer leadership styles related to care, nurture and sensuality rather than to ruthless and aggressive search for the implementation of the corporate objectives. Females as a rule stress the importance of relationship while men stress the importance of a task. Still, there are many examples of task oriented females and caring males. Also it is believed that females in the organizations are likely to gain authority only if the company deals with people and relations rather than with some dry figures and statistics. Leadership, as one can say involves the following four things Motivating other people. Some leaders and some must be followers. The leaders comes front in time when needed or crisis and present innovative solution. Leaders know what they want, to achieve and what is their ambition. The behavioural theory of leadership was created after the followers of the trait leadership theory could not find enough traits to explain why some people choose good leaders and why some could only be followers. The reason is the most logical way was to explore how the leaders behaved in their daily activities and especially towards their followers. The leadership would makes group of different behavioural patterns and activities together and then put a label on them calling them in styles. Concern for task. This behaviour of leaders is represented by tangible and calculable achievement linked which improved productivity of the organization of labor and motivation the personnel. Concern for people. This behaviour of leaders is represented by the tangible concern for people who works in the organization and have desire to establish proper relations rather than to treat them as units of production and corporate overhead. In this manner the leader establishes the group called the old boy club where each worker would become very much comfortable. Thus, if needed, each worker will give their best to do even more to make other friends happy. Directive leadership. This behavioural leadership style is represented by the leaders taking continuously and takes the decisions for other, and expecting the others rather to follow the instructions. Participative leadership. This behavioural leadership style is represented by the leaders goals to engage people make them busy to the task and increase their commitment by allowing them to make decisions for the company they work for. As a rule the leadership would use any two of the four general leadership styles shown above, they redesign them or rename them, plot them on some graph and then establish mixed strategy. Many others leadership would use other combinations and plot other leadership styles and schemes based on the leadership behaviour. Speaking about some practical situation, it is believed that those leaders engaged in participative and people-oriented leadership, they can enjoy better employee motivation and satisfaction leadership styles. Conclusion The power and bases of leadership is the day to day needs of human beings, and what i found while doing these assignment is Leader didnt came in the earth by god gifted. They make them self to become a good leader the one who have desire to become a leader he or she should work on it, give effort, gain knowledge, and practically do some research so that he or she could lead others. The leader should have the quality to motivate others make himself the brand image so people follow him or her.It is not the easy task to lead a country or a followers the courage should be build on him/her so that he/she could utilize the power of the leader. He/she should have decision making abilities and he/she should take the decision which will give them fame .Finally i would like to conclude by saying that everything is possible if you have the goals.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Leadership Styles Research Methodology
Leadership Styles Research Methodology CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter primarily outlines the overall research methodology. Detailed development of hypotheses, sampling procedure used for this survey and sources of data will be described. Method that was used to collect data to run statistical analysis will be discussed further in this chapter. Hypotheses of Study The variables identified for this research are leadership style, leadership behavior and employees job satisfaction. Hypotheses below are proposed for this study: H1a: Transformational leadership has a significant influence on employees job satisfaction. H1b: Transactional leadership has a significant influence on employees job satisfaction. H2a: Supportive leadership has a significant influence on employees job satisfaction. H2b: Directive leadership has a significant influence on employees job satisfaction. H2c: Participative leadership has a significant influence on employees job satisfaction. Research Framework The association among all the proposed variables can be described in a research framework. Figure 3-1 illustrates the research model. Figure 3-1: The proposed research framework for influences of leadership on employees job satisfaction Leadership Style Transformational Leadership H1a Transactional Leadership H1b Job Satisfaction Leadership Behavior H2a H2b Supportive Leadership H2c Directive Leadership Participative Leadership Measures of construct in the Questionnaire The survey questionnaire used in this research consists of four parts. Part A consists of the measurement items for leadership style which is further divided to two sections, transformational and transactional leadership. Part B of the questionnaire consists of the measurement items for leadership behavior and three subsections that is participative, supportive and directive leadership. In Part C, the section measures on employees job satisfaction. Finally in Part D, the respondents demographic data is collected on their age, gender, education level, marital status, job position, and number of years of experience in the organization, years of establishment of respective organization, number of employees in organization and nature of the organization. The literature review has helped to provide a number of measurement items for leadership style, leadership behaviour and job satisfaction in the questionnaire. Survey respondents were asked to state their level of agreement for all the six constructs discussed previously. The survey questionnaire has adopted the five-point Likert scale which ranges from 1(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) as indicated in Table 3-1. Table 3-1: Instrument used in the questionnaire Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neither agree nor disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 The measurement items used to operationalize the constructs for the purpose of this study were adapted from relevant previous literature with necessary changes. A summary of the past research measures that is used in this study is indicated in Table 3-2. Table 3-2: Research variables and measurement Construct Source Job Satisfaction Milliman, Czaplewski and Ferguson (2003) Transformational Gadot (2006) Transactional Gadot (2006) Supportive Lee and Kamarul (2008) Directive Lee and Kamarul (2008) Participative Lee and Kamarul (2008) Job Satisfaction The items for job satisfaction were adopted from Milliman, Czaplewski and Ferguson (2003). The questionnaire used four items to access respondents satisfaction on their job. Table 3-3 shows the list of questions used for job satisfaction. Table 3-3: Job Satisfaction Diagnostic Survey Instruments How satisfied are you with your job currently? How satisfied are you with the overall chances of advancement in your organization? How satisfied are you with the career opportunities offered in your organization? How satisfied are you with the nature of the work in your organization? Source: Milliman, Czaplewski and Ferguson (2003), Workplace spirituality and employee work attitudes, An exploratory empirical assessment Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 16 No.4, 2003, pp. 426-447. Leadership style The measurement items for leadership style were adapted from the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). This measure was first introduced by Bass (1985) and then was further improved by Bass and Avolio (1993). It is used to gauge two leadership style scales, namely transformational and transactional. Respondents were asked on which particular leadership style their supervisor closely relates to. MLQ has been widely adapted by past researchers in examining the leadership styles. Table 3-4: Leadership Style Items Transformational Leadership My supervisor instills pride because of their association with the subordinates. My supervisor has gained trust in myself to avoid any obstacles. My supervisor inspires myself to be like him or her. My supervisor goes beyond his individual interest and focuses on the interest of his or her subordinates. My supervisor talks enthusiastically about what needs to be accomplished. My supervisor sets realistic vision and guides on achieving them. My supervisor is a symbol of success and accomplishment. My supervisor constantly views the future optimistically. My supervisor constantly suggests new ways to accomplish things. My supervisor always introduces new challenges and new assignments. My supervisor encourages to think in new ways to solve problems. My supervisor encourages to think creatively and innovatively to solve problems. My supervisor constantly provides coaching to improve my productivity. My supervisor always listens to my concern and helps me to improve. My supervisor always updates me with my performance and does the necessary to develop me. My supervisor treats each individual uniquely and attempts to satisfy subordinates current needs. Transactional Leadership My supervisor rewards performance when his or her expectations are fulfilled. My supervisor always sets the right expectation with me on what is offered when performance goals are met. Prior to any tasks, my supervisor states clear on the performance objectives, clarify rewards, and punishment when the correct output is received. My supervisor considers their relationship with subordinates as a series of contract, deals, or service and reward tradeoffs. My supervisor sets his focus on irregularities, mistakes, exceptions and deviations from standards. My supervisor keeps track on all the error, mistakes and wrong doing by the subordinates. My supervisor urges the subordinates to perform functions strictly according to positions requirement and nothing more. My supervisor is stringent about the rules and regulation of the organization and will take the necessary action if one were to not adhere. My supervisor does not interfere until the problem becomes serious. My supervisor always fire fights when taking corrective measures. My supervisor will only step in once the problems are chronic. My supervisor will not fix a problem until it is broken. Source: Gadot (2006), Leadership style, organizational politics, and employees performance, An empirical examination of two competing models, Personal Review Vol. 36 No. 5, 2007 pp. 661-683. Leadership Behavior In this research, a 13-item was adopted from Lee and Kamarul, (2008). It is used to measure three dimensions of leadership behavior, namely supportive, directive and participative behavior. Same as discussed above, survey respondents are requested to rate how closely his or her supervisor relate to the statements provided in the questionnaire. Likert scales was adopted for the respondents to rate the measurement items with (1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree). There are four items used for supportive leadership, four items used for directive leadership behavior and five items used for participative leadership. Table 3-5 shows the questions adopted for leadership behavior. Table 3-5: Leadership Behavior Items Supportive Leadership My supervisor rewards performance when his or her expectations are fulfilled. Supervisor cares for the subordinates welfare. Supervisor does very little to make things pleasant. Supervisor treats all group members as equal. Directive Leadership Supervisor gives clear guidance and explains on how a work needs to be done. Supervisor decides what and how things should be done. Supervisor maintains definite standards of performance. Supervisor follows a schedule to get work accomplished. Participative Leadership Prior to making any decisions, supervisor considers the subordinates thoughts and what they have to say. Prior to making any decisions, supervisor consults with the subordinates. When a problem arises, supervisor consults with the subordinates. Supervisor asks subordinates for their suggestions and feedback. Supervisor listens to subordinates advice on which assignments should be made/taken. Source: Lee and Kamarul (2008), The moderating effects of organizational culture on the relationships between leadership behavior and organizational commitment and between organizational commitment and job satisfaction and performance, Leadership and Organization Development Journal Vol.30 No.1, 2009 pp.53-86. Sampling and population The goal of this study is to understand the relationship between leadership style and behavior on employees job satisfaction in the context of IT industries in Klang Valley and Selangor, the first step was to note down all the listed IT companies in Selangor and Klang Valley. This information was obtained through observation and information provided through colleagues and friends. The population of this research is all individuals who are employees, managers, stakeholders in IT companies in Klang Valley and Selangor. Convenience sampling was used for the purpose of this study. This is due to time constraint, quick responses and it is inexpensive compared to alternate sampling procedures. 3.6 Sources of Data Two methods were used to collect the data, namely primary and secondary data. Primary data for this survey was obtained by means of a survey questionnaire. Quantitative approach was used in the survey questionnaire to be able to measure the relationship between the variables that helps in statistical analysis. Secondary data collection was used to gather information through findings by past researchers using the qualitative approach. Journal sources from Emerald, Proquest, Science Direct related to this topic was studied to get an understanding on the variables. Besides, online journal sources, books related to this topic provides exploratory information that is used for this research. 3.7 Data Collection From the secondary data resources, a set of predetermined questions were created.. Three methods were used to collect data which is personally administered questionnaire, questionnaires attached with emails and online survey questionnaire. 3.7.1 Personally Administered Questionnaire Personally administered questionnaires were sent to all employees and colleagues that are attached with IT Companies in the Klang Valley and Selangor. This method ensured to receive back all the number of questionnaire sent within a short period of time. The advantage of this method is that it avoided any unusable surveys as if the respondents had any questions they were able to get the answers immediately. Personally administered questionnaire is where most of the survey responses were obtained for this research. A sample of personally administered questionnaire is attached in the Appendix. Questionnaires Attached with Emails The availability of internet has helped to send and receive data with a very minimal cost and quicker time span. Questionnaires attached to emails were sent to those who were not easily accessible geographically to pass the questionnaire. Questionnaires are mailed to the target respondents by providing an introduction on the objective of the research and clear guidelines on how to fill the survey and respond back. Although reminders were sent to respondents to increase the survey response, the questionnaires attached to emails received through this method was only 13 (6.5%) out of the overall survey responses. The disadvantage of mail questionnaires attached to emails is, one may not have the time to do the survey immediately at the point that they receive it and have the tendency to forget to response once it is being left for some time in their mailbox. 3.7.3 Online questionnaire An online questionnaire was first used to obtain data for this study. The site was used to create the online questionnaire. The web based tool had the advantage of exporting the survey responses to Microsoft Excel format which is useful for inputting the responses in a structured manner. The automation of data exportation has helped data collection quickly. It is also cheaper to use the online tool as no paper and printing cost is involved. Data can be analysed as and when survey response is received since it automatically provides a summary and overview of all the survey responses received to date. Statistical Procedures The statistical software SPSS version 16 was used to analyse all the data obtained from the survey. Frequencies, means, percentage, reliability test (Cronbach coefficient) and multiple regressions were computed using the tool. To analyse the demographic details of the survey respondents, descriptive statistics which includes frequencies and percentages were done. To meet the research objective, multiple regressions were applied to study the significance between the variables as outlined in the research framework. Reliability Test of the Survey Instrument Table 3-5 presents the reliability measures for the 6 constructs discussed previously. The Cronbachs alpha value was determined from a pilot test with a sample of 30 respondents. The intention of the pilot test is to understand the ease of respondents answering the survey questions. At the same time, the reliability of the survey instrument is determined. The Cronbachs alpha value for job satisfaction, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, participative leadership and directive leadership exceeded 0.70. As for supportive leadership the Cronbachs alpha value is 0.637. Therefore, one of the items for measuring supportive leadership was removed to raise the Cronbachs alpha value to 0.788. Table 3-6: Cronbachs alpha value for six construct from pilot study. Construct Alpha No. of items Job Satisfaction 0.806 4 Transformational leadership 0.918 16 Transactional leadership 0.871 12 Participative leadership 0.915 5 Supportive leadership 0.637 4 Directive leadership 0.824 4
Monday, August 19, 2019
Gender: Feminism and Masculinity Essay -- essays research papers fc
In a recent meta-analysis by Kite and Whitley in 1996, it was confirmed that men hold more negative attitudes toward homosexuality than do women. They also determined that men's attitudes toward homosexuality are particularly negative when the person being rated is a gay man rather than a lesbian. Their review of the literature also highlighted the complex nature of attitudes toward homosexuality noted by others. In order to understand the constructive attitudes of homosexuality, there are several factors that include beliefs that gay people are threatening or dangerous, etc. I reviewed Millham, San Miguel, & Kellogg, 1976; Plasek & Allard, 1984. These complexities, and how they influence sex differences in attitudes toward homosexuality, remain largely unexplored. The present research examines two issues: (1) whether sex differences in attitudes toward homosexuality vary by attitude component and (2) whether, within each component, the sex of the person being rated influences these attitudes. Kite and Whitley's (1996) have reviewed data that heterosexuals' evaluations of gay men and lesbians are influenced by a generalized gender belief system. According to this model, we as humans have already have characterized gender reflect the belief that gender-associated attributes are bipolar: What is masculine is not feminine and vice versa. We also tend to possess stereotypically masculine physical characteristics and to adopt stereotypically masculine roles. Similarly, the knowledge that a person is stereotypically feminine on one dimension leads to the inference that the person is stereotypically feminine on other dimensions I think that as a society, our beliefs about homosexuality are influenced by a gender belief system. Men are in stereotypically feminine terms are more likely to be judged homosexual than are men described in stereotypically masculine terms. At a lesser note, women are described too as sterotypes in masculine terms and are judged lesbian than women describ ed in stereotypically feminine terms In some gender-based judgments of gay people reflect the belief that male homosexuals are similar to female heterosexuals and that female homosexuals are similar to male heterosexuals (e.g., Kite & Deaux, 1987; Storms, Stivers, Lambers, & Hill, 1981). As Kite (1994) has argued, separating gender-role beliefs from attitudes toward homose... ...not want their tough side invaded they way I see it. This was a tought subject to write about, but I felt that the issue of gender with being Gay and Lesbian needed to be written. Works Cited Batson & Burris, 1994; Herek, 1988 Esses, Haddock, & Zanna, 1993 Herek, 1986b Kite & Deaux, 1987; Storms, Stivers, Lambers, & Hill, 1981      Louderback & Whitley, 1997 Kite and Whitley html/poq_2002.pdf Millham, San Miguel, & Kellogg, 1976; Plasek & Allard, 1984 Whitley, 1987
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Winter Olympics :: essays research papers
     Welcome to the 2002 winter Olympics men’s bobsledding finals. We have gone though many icy events today but one of my personal favorites, bobsledding, is now ready to rumble. We will be going though three different rounds. All four competitors will race against the clock. The three teams with the lowest combined time will move on while the last remaining team will be eliminated. They will move on to two more final race which their scores will be combined to receive the metals. On track one is the Jamaican team coached by Lamar Dabua and is sponsored by the Coconut Canyon. On track two is the two time finalist the U.S.A team looking for that third chance for the gold and is coached by Bob Morin. On track three is a beginning team for Brazil that is coached by Travair Lapidaz which commented that the team feels they are lucky to have gotten this far and are still going to make this sport fun with a competitive attitude. And on the final track are Norway†™s finest bobsledders that are coached by Brillin Concoordz. These teams will be racing down an icy track at speeds well over 90 mph. All teams have a regulated sled for fair speeds. As we get ready to start we ask all contestants to have a good attitude and good luck to you all. The flag is now rising. And they are off. Down the tasks they go. Now zooming as fast as speeds of lightning. So far it is close. They still have mileage to go. Here they go rounding the biggest and the sharpest corner of them all. From here it looks like the U.S.A team is ahead but very close behind is the Jamaican team. The Norway team looks like they are getting off balance. Yes, they are. It looks like they are going to tip. They are! We are having paramedics down there right away. Now the three teams that are competing are getting more and more spread apart. With the U.S.A team still in the lead there is no question that things could go wrong and turn this race around. Speaking of that, it looks like the all teammates of Norway has successfully gotten out with no broken bones but I’m sure they will be a few cuts and browses. All teams that are still racing will move on and yes, Norway team is eliminated.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Evolution of globalization
In 1492 the process of globalization began when Christopher Columbus unintentionally â€Å"discovered†the â€Å"new world†. The  cultures  of  the Nahua, Inca, Maya, and Spanish  peoples during the contact and conquest periods (1400s-1600s) was one of the factor that led to globalization. The different  cultural, economic, social, philosophical, and political systems of these peoples, both before and after conquest  cast an shadow of  these cultures, though conquered, shape the Spanish-American colonial system as it developed in these regions. The blend of different civilizations: The present linguistic situation in ‘Merida’ has engrossed its roots from the pre-colonial period of Mexico. The first Crenellation took place during the final voyage of, Christopher Columbus in the year 1502. When his ships entered Spain  the people over there didn’t know they were listening to the Mayan language. The first Mayan word they heard was â€Å"turquin†which translates to gold and money as wealth was the main goal of Christopher’s expeditions. Two Spanish explorers who were stranded in Mayan land were  later found by conquistador Cortes . One of the stranded explorers was Aguilar who served as a interpreter between the two civilizations. Later ‘castellano’ language was developed and till now it is in use. The two entirely different civilizations was plunged as thick roots into the nation. Castellano Vs Maya-Yucateco : The new linguistic politics began with the catholic missionaries in the sixteenth century The Spanish priests had to learn the language of the pupils who were mostly Mayans. Formal studies of Maya- Yucateco was done and the first dictionary was brought out in 1546. The colonization of Yucatan  was mainly  because of the Mendicant Landa. The learning of Maya-Yucateco continued until the eighteenth century . For many reasons there was little teaching of ‘castellano’ language to the Mayans . Linguists have divided the variations spoken by Mayans into 30 different languages. They are all included in generic term ‘Maya’. Discrimination: The language was one of the factor that  divided people from the globalization. There were the people who supported the Mayan literature and some saying that ‘castellano’   was something uncontrollable and inevitable, the product of modernization. Discrimination arouse for the Mayans in Merida. They were denied access to certain places and discouraged from being in others. This is a situation that is still in the existence. Mayans developed a passive resistant syncretism to the spiritual conquest that was imposed upon them. Though cultures accepted military defeat, but in an effort to keep some semblance of former lives pays a service to the Spaniard religion, still practicing the hated idolatry in secret. While the conquerors were assimilating Mayans, the Mayans were assimilating the conquerors religion.this resulted in the extension of the interrogation by Spaniards to the new world in  paradox  of  Christianity  at the time. Conclusion  : The evolution invoked by Christopher Columbus led to globalizationIn turn it resulted in a revolution that brought discrimination Until now it continues to be the present situation. The endless †¦ Â
Digital Fortress Chapter 11
Spain. I sent David to Spain. The commander's words stung. â€Å"David's in Spain?†Susan was incredulous. â€Å"You sent him to Spain?†Her tone turned angry. â€Å"Why?†Strathmore looked dumbfounded. He was apparently not accustomed to being yelled at, even by his head cryptographer. He gave Susan a confused look. She was flexed like a mother tiger defending her cub. â€Å"Susan,†he said. â€Å"You spoke to him, didn't you? David did explain?†She was too shocked to speak. Spain? That's why David postponed our Stone Manor trip? â€Å"I sent a car for him this morning. He said he was going to call you before he left. I'm sorry. I thought-â€Å" â€Å"Why would you send David to Spain?†Strathmore paused and gave her an obvious look. â€Å"To get the other pass-key.†â€Å"What other pass-key?†â€Å"Tankado's copy.†Susan was lost. â€Å"What are you talking about?†Strathmore sighed. â€Å"Tankado surely would have had a copy of the pass-key on him when he died. I sure as hell didn't want it floating around the Seville morgue.†â€Å"So you sent David Becker?†Susan was beyond shock. Nothing was making sense. â€Å"David doesn't even work for you!†Strathmore looked startled. No one ever spoke to the deputy director of the NSA that way. â€Å"Susan,†he said, keeping his cool, â€Å"that's the point. I needed-â€Å" The tiger lashed out. â€Å"You've got twenty thousand employees at your command! What gives you the right to send my fiance?†â€Å"I needed a civilian courier, someone totally removed from government. If I went through regular channels and someone caught wind-â€Å" â€Å"And David Becker is the only civilian you know?†â€Å"No! David Becker is not the only civilian I know! But at six this morning, things were happening quickly! David speaks the language, he's smart, I trust him, and I thought I'd do him a favor!†â€Å"A favor?†Susan sputtered. â€Å"Sending him to Spain is a favor?†â€Å"Yes! I'm paying him ten thousand for one day's work. He'll pick up Tankado's belongings, and he'll fly home. That's a favor!†Susan fell silent. She understood. It was all about money. Her thoughts wheeled back five months to the night the president of Georgetown University had offered David a promotion to the language department chair. The president had warned him that his teaching hours would be cut back and that there would be increased paperwork, but there was also a substantial raise in salary. Susan had wanted to cry out David, don't do it! You'll be miserable. We have plenty of money-who cares which one of us earns it? But it was not her place. In the end, she stood by his decision to accept. As they fell asleep that night, Susan tried to be happy for him, but something inside kept telling her it would be a disaster. She'd been right-but she'd never counted on being so right. â€Å"You paid him ten thousand dollars?†she demanded. â€Å"That's a dirty trick!†Strathmore was fuming now. â€Å"Trick? It wasn't any goddamn trick! I didn't even tell him about the money. I asked him as a personal favor. He agreed to go.†â€Å"Of course he agreed! You're my boss! You're the deputy director of the NSA! He couldn't say no!†â€Å"You're right,†Strathmore snapped. â€Å"Which is why I called him. I didn't have the luxury of-â€Å" â€Å"Does the director know you sent a civilian?†â€Å"Susan,†Strathmore said, his patience obviously wearing thin, â€Å"the director is not involved. He knows nothing about this.†Susan stared at Strathmore in disbelief. It was as if she no longer knew the man she was talking to. He had sent her fiance-a teacher-on an NSA mission and then failed to notify the director about the biggest crisis in the history of the organization. â€Å"Leland Fontaine hasn't been notified?†Strathmore had reached the end of his rope. He exploded. â€Å"Susan, now listen here! I called you in here because I need an ally, not an inquiry! I've had one hell of morning. I downloaded Tankado's file last night and sat here by the output printer for hours praying TRANSLTR could break it. At dawn I swallowed my pride and dialed the director-and let me tell you, that was a conversation I was really looking forward to. Good morning, sir. I'm sorry to wake you. Why am I calling? I just found out TRANSLTR is obsolete. It's because of an algorithm my entire top-dollar Crypto team couldn't come close to writing!†Strathmore slammed his fist on the desk. Susan stood frozen. She didn't make a sound. In ten years, she had seen Strathmore lose his cool only a handful of times, and never once with her. Ten seconds later neither one of them had spoken. Finally Strathmore sat back down, and Susan could hear his breathing slowing to normal. When he finally spoke, his voice was eerily calm and controlled. â€Å"Unfortunately,†Strathmore said quietly, â€Å"it turns out the director is in South America meeting with the President of Colombia. Because there's absolutely nothing he could do from down there, I had two options-request he cut his meeting short and return, or handle this myself.†There was along silence. Strathmore finally looked up, and his tired eyes met Susan's. His expression softened immediately. â€Å"Susan, I'm sorry. I'm exhausted. This is a nightmare come true. I know you're upset about David. I didn't mean for you to find out this way. I thought you knew.†Susan felt a wave of guilt. â€Å"I overreacted. I'm sorry. David is a good choice.†Strathmore nodded absently. â€Å"He'll be back tonight.†Susan thought about everything the commander was going through-the pressure of overseeing TRANSLTR, the endless hours and meetings. It was rumored his wife of thirty years was leaving him. Then on top of it, there was Digital Fortress-the biggest intelligence threat in the history of the NSA, and the poor guy was flying solo. No wonder he looked about to crack. â€Å"Considering the circumstances,†Susan said, â€Å"I think you should probably call the director.†Strathmore shook his head, a bead of sweat dripping on his desk. â€Å"I'm not about to compromise the director's safety or risk a leak by contacting him about a major crisis he can do nothing about.†Susan knew he was right. Even in moments like these, Strathmore was clear-headed. â€Å"Have you considered calling the President?†Strathmore nodded. â€Å"Yes. I've decided against it.†Susan had figured as much. Senior NSA officials had the right to handle verifiable intelligence emergencies without executive knowledge. The NSA was the only U.S. intelligence organization that enjoyed total immunity from federal accountability of any sort. Strathmore often availed himself of this right; he preferred to work his magic in isolation. â€Å"Commander,†she argued, â€Å"this is too big to be handled alone. You've got to let somebody else in on it.†â€Å"Susan, the existence of Digital Fortress has major implications for the future of this organization. I have no intention of informing the President behind the director's back. We have a crisis, and I'm handling it.†He eyed her thoughtfully. â€Å"I am the deputy director of operations.†A weary smile crept across his face. â€Å"And besides, I'm not alone. I've got Susan Fletcher on my team.†In that instant, Susan realized what she respected so much about Trevor Strathmore. For ten years, through thick and thin, he had always led the way for her. Steadfast. Unwavering. It was his dedication that amazed her-his unshakable allegiance to his principles, his country, and his ideals. Come what may, Commander Trevor Strathmore was a guiding light in a world of impossible decisions. â€Å"You are on my team, aren't you?†he asked. Susan smiled. â€Å"Yes, sir, I am. One hundred percent.†â€Å"Good. Now can we get back to work?â€
Friday, August 16, 2019
Research on Hybrid Cars Essay
I. Introduction: ? Overview Of The Project: This project is based on the latest technology in automobile (car) industry- HYBRID TECHNOLOGY. In this project we are going to discuss about the hybrid technology in cars, the impact of hybrid technology on Indian automobile (car) industry, the companies which have adopted and benefited through this technology and the findings & the conclusion. ? Hybrid Technology: A hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources to move the vehicle. Power sources include: ? On-board or out-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) ? Gasoline or Diesel fuel ? Hydrogen ? Compressed air ? Human powered e. g. pedaling or rowing ? Wind ? Compressed or liquefied natural gas ? Solar ? Coal, wood or other solid combustibles The term most commonly refers to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), which combine an internal combustion engine and one or more electric motors. ? HYBRID CARS: Hybrid cars are one among the promising types of new generation cars. In the present era, the motor vehicle industry is going through a transition phase, which is to meet the pace of the growing world. Cars are now become inevitable assistants for the travel and it is not uncommon to have 2 or 3 cars in a home. And, motor vehicles are now facing the next generation problems of the conventional cars. Moreover, many environmental and energy utilization issues are coming cross. Hybrid cars are developed with an intention to answer much of these questions, and the success of it in the road make it a favorite choice of many. Although any car, which has a combination of two different ideas can be called as a hybrid, but the cars, which combine two energy sources for its running is popularly named as hybrid car. To be simple, the conventional cars run on a single fuel source such as gasoline, petrol and diesel. The energy efficiency of the cars was insufficient to meet the future needs, in the highly energy depleting situation. The search for alternative resources is intensive and one of them, electric cars were a success, but its limitation was the inadequacy for a long drive and difficulty for frequent recharges. Hybrid cars were a better solution since it combines the benefits of both types of cars. Now, most of the hybrid cars use the engine that work in combination of gasoline and electricity. Hybrid cars are much appreciated by the experts because of its energy efficiency. As the car has two energy sources, the car will in effect, use up only reduced energy and the most beneficial attribute is that the batteries in the car for electrical transmission will be spontaneously charged, along with the working of the car. However, the success of the hybrid cars among the motorists relies on mainly on its performance on the road. Despite of the great fear, whether the new car could give out the performance as of a conventional car, hybrid car gave out adequate performance, with aid of its sophisticated technology and aerodynamic design. The utility of hybrid cars for the society was proved, when Government adopted particular measures for its promotion. Now, as part of its preferred usage, tax credits are available, which are changed yearly, according to the prevailing market conditions. Government was impressed with the two important advantages such as improved mileage and reduced tailpipe emissions, which can attribute low environmental pollution and reduced non renewable fuel consumption. Now many companies such as Toyota, Ford, Honda and Lexus are competing in the market of hybrid cars with their latest versions. Any how, a comparison of different models is advised before the purchase. Hybrid cars are thus the present phase of car industry. The advancements are going on continuously in its fuel selection and structure, to persist it to a future car, and motorists are looking forward to the best out of it. ? History of Hybrid Vehicles The history of hybrid cars dates back to the late 1800s and 1900s. In 1905, Mr. H Piper filed a patent for a gasoline engine-electric motor powertrain. According to him, the electric motor would augment a gasoline engine, allowing a vehicle to accelerate from zero to 25 miles an hour in 10 seconds, much faster than the gasoline engines of that time. Ironically, when finally Mr. H Piper was granted the patent a few years later, normal engines were capable of producing the same kind of acceleration. Due to rapid advancements in the gasoline engine, the popularity of a hybrid car slowly diminished untill again in the early to mid 1970s, the time of oil crisis. Many companies poured funds to build experimental Hybrid Electric Vehicles. But as the oil became available again, the surge for HEVs died down immediately. The Europeans and Japanese researching on reducing production costs and making HEVs more salable. Companies like Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi came up with ways to reduce emissions and better the mileage. Toyota introduced the Prius in 1997 (in Japan and in 2000 in the US) which proved to be a huge success. Recent sales figures indicate that well over 300,000 units of Toyota Prius have been sold the world over justifying the concept of a clean family car. In 1999, Honda introduced its first production hybrid car, the Insight and then the Civic Hybrid in 2002. Ford came up with the first hybrid SUV, the Escape, which hit the road in 2004. Quick on their path are several other contestants such as Dodge with their hybrid pickup, the Ram, and chevrolet’s Silverado. ? How Hybrid Cars Work? Hybrid Cars integrate the power of the conventional gasoline engine with that of an electric motor. A high powered battery pack provides energy to the motor which itself gets recharged when the car is decelerating. This is called as regenerative braking. The gas engine can also assist the battery in recharging. This kills the need to plug the car to an external source of energy. As of now, there are two types of hybrid vehicles. In one type, the electric motor acts as a side-kick to the gas engine, assisting it whenever surplus power is needed. The electric motor alone is incapable of independently operating the vehicle. Honda’s Power Assist technology in its hybrids, Civic and Insight is an example. Such vehicles are termed as Mild Hybrids. In mild hybrids, the gasoline engine provides the main source of power, and the electric motor provides additional power whenever needed. The second type of hybrid can be termed as a Full Hybrid, where the gasoline engine and the electric motor can operate the vehicle saperately. In this type, the electric motor can drive the vehicle at lower speeds. In need of more speed, the gasoline engine kicks in. The Toyota Prius and the Ford Escape implement the same techonology. Be it mild hybrids or full hybrids, both are capable of providing lower emissions and better fuel efficiency. The Internal-Combustion Engines (both gasoline and diesel) installed in Hybrid cars are often smaller than those in normal cars for a simple reason that Hybrids have the electric motor for assistance. The motor can take care of city travel which poses stop and go conditions as well as power-consuming add-ons such as the A/C or power-windows and power-steering. At high speeds, the gasoline engine supplies power. This switching of power sources is computer controled and nothing needs to be manually done. Power to the electric motor comes from the battery-pack. Recharging of the battery is automatic and need not be done by external sources. When the car is in uniform motion or when it is decelerating, it generates power which charges the batteries which utilises the valuable kinetic energy. As with any other battery, the Hybrid car battery also has a limited life span. Auto makers however, put the battery life at around 200,000 miles which roughly comes around to 7-8 years, depending on the kind of travel it endures. Thus, It pays to take extra care of your vehicle and travel when necessary. ? Hybrid Car Technology: With the prices of gasoline and fuel always on the increase, car manufacturers have today found a new form of car technology that is fuel efficient and low in pollution. This technology is called the hybrid car technology where the cars have a rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) found in the vehicle, along with some fuel propulsion source. Hybrid cars don’t produce much pollution and consumes minimal fuel; and its different propulsion systems have either common parts or systems. Hybrid cars are generally designated to vehicles running on a combination of petroleum and electricity. These vehicles are called hybrid-electric vehicles where electric cells are used to power electric engines, along with an internal combustion engine. The advantage of these cars is that they sort of extend their battery charge through the kinetic energy they catch in regenerative braking. Moreover when such cars cruise, or move on a small thrust, the combustion engine generates energy with the running of a second electric motor. This is done to either recharge the battery or to provide energy to the motor for driving the car. This is unlike the conventional electrical cars where they avail of their battery charge through external sources like the grid. Today, most of the hybrid cars run on either gasoline or diesel as their main energy source while there are some cases where other fuels like ethanol or plant based oils are used too. There are also some cars that use hydrogen fuel. Sometimes, hybrid cars are also referred to the cars that are flexible-fuel vehicles where they run on a combination of different fuels like gasoline and ethanol alcohol fuel. The main reason people prefer to use hybrid cars is because of its hybrid technology of a combination of technologies. With this, a lot of gas fuel is saved which is of course, beneficial to the car buyer. With the passage of time, hybrid car technology has improved in the different hybrid cars. This is because with time, hybrid cars have also become popular and the manufacturers have been working on more means to make the car more feasible to the prospective car buyer. With hybrid car technology, the motion of the car is designed in such a way that the engines in these cars have a smaller size that is used when drifting and driving leisurely. It is usually the battery source that provides the additional power like going uphill or accelerating whenever needed. To couple things, when the hybrid car is stopped, the hybrid fuel engine gets switched off to run off the electric motor. Hybrid cars are built lighter and are designed more aerodynamically for better speed. And its tires are usually stiffer and have a higher inflation so that the drag of the car is reduced. So it can be seen that with hybrid car technology, a car has become more efficient. Though the rates of these cars may initially be a bit high, they are very much worth it in the long run during its lifespan. ? Hybrid Car Pro and Cons. The pros and cons of hybrid car is one of the widely discussed topics since hybrid car is a trend among the new generation vehicles. Hybrid car is the type of car, which utilizes two different energy sources to meet the energy requirement. Even though the hybrid technology was prevailing for many purposes such as train engines and submarines, its well-liked use among the people was begun only with the incorporation of the idea in the motor vehicles. Hybrid car became soon accepted among the customers, however, its increased popularity arise the need for a cross analysis since it is a fact that every factor will have two sides. ? Pros of Hybrid Vehicles Hybrid cars carry with them a bundle of advantages. o Hybrids combine clean energy of the electrical motor with the power of the gas-powered engine which results into lower emissions and better mileage. o Thanks to the ever improving technology, hybrids perform at par with the normal ga-powered vehicles, if not better. o Hybrids are reliable and comfortable as any traditional car and they have a tax benefits(only till 2006). o There are purchase incentives for Hybrid vehicle owners (varies by state). o Hybrids are much cleaner cars than normal vehicles with lesser CO and other greenhouse gas emissions. o Hybrids provide a better mileage. o The future for hybrids looks bright with rapid developments in hybrid technology to improve engine efficiency. o Due to the Regenerative Braking technology, the batteries need not be charged by an external source. o o Special warranties are provided for the battery pack, the electric motor other costly items. o Hybrids help reduce the dependency on fossil fuels which directely affects fuel prices. Hybrid cars are often refereed to as the ‘car of the era’. The unique advantages of the hybrid car will be sole basis for such recognition in the market. The motor industry was always in the effort to develop most beneficial model and the disadvantages of the conventional model might be the triggering factor for the formation of advantageous models. Usually, anything to be considered as advantageous will make benefit only to its owner, and to the maximum, the family of the owner. The specialty of the hybrid car enhances in this situation since its advantages can attribute benefit to not only the owner or his family, but to the entire society, nation and the mankind. The advantages of the hybrid car start right from its difference in the basic pattern. Hybrid car is type of car that utilizes two energy sources for its movement. The popular hybrid cars in the market are manufactured in such a manner to combine the benefits of an internal combustion engine and electrical motor. The shortening level of gasoline in the world as it is a non-renewable energy was the major drawback of the conventional cars, which was rectified in the electrical cars, but it also had its own disadvantages. The advantage of the hybrid car is that it can rectify the complaints in the both systems and balances the use of electrical energy and gasoline engine, in their optimum levels. In the hybrid car, the electrical energy is used while starting up of the car and its low speed ranges, which will help to impart a check to the tail pipe emissions. As the automobiles is increasing, world is at the threat of toxic pollutants and global warming, due to their exhaust ingredients. The decrease in the tail pipe emission will be a great advantage for the environment as well as the society. However, gasoline engine will take up the transmission, when the speed goes up since, it is essential to attribute the pace for the drive. While the traffic stops and steep slopes the electrical energy will be again activated, which will help to reduce the gasoline utilization. The aerodynamic design, lighter materials and smoother tyre will help for better energy consumption. The striking technological advantage of the hybrid car is that the energy loss, while braking is re-channeled for the electrical battery charging, called as regenerative braking, and a separate energy for battery charging is not required. The advantages of the hybrid car are multifaceted since it attributes economical, technical and economical benefits. Despite of the owner, the country as well as, is benefited from the gasoline saving as the oil prices are steeping very high, and its effects the country’s whole economy. This advantage is also a benefit to the customer as government has decided to give reductions and tax credits for the hybrid car buying. In addition to Federal exemption certain states also provide local exemptions to promote the use of hybrid car. Hybrid car is thus an advantageous car, which helps to over come much of the crisis related to the motor world. ? Disdvantages Of Hybrid Cars Hybrid cars, though useful, have some disadvantages. The point to be noted here is that the advantages far exceed the disadvantages. o High cost: hybrids cost anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 more their non-Hybrid versions. o More weight due to battery packs. o Some states charge additional fees for registration. o In the event of an unfortunate accident, there is a risk of exposure to high voltage wires. o They have a complicated system which needs to be taken care of by experienced mechanics only. o Spare parts maybe hard to find and may be costly. o Usually, hybrids have a lower acceleration than that their normal counterparts. II. INDUSTRY PROFILE: ? HYBRID TECHNOLOGY IN INDIAN AUTOMOBILE (CAR) INDUSTRY: ? INDIAN AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY AN OVERVIEW: The manufacturing of automobiles commenced in India 60 years ago, since then, the journey of the Indian Automotive industry can be classified into three main phases. Touching upon them briefly: The first phase till mid 1980s could be termed as one of protection for the Indian automotive industry. There were restrictions on the manufacturing and import of automobiles and the Indian automobile market was a seller’s market. The second phase, post 1991, could be termed as a phase of liberalization as the Indian automotive market was the beneficiary of the opening up of India’s economy. This phase was marked by the entry of foreign automobile players and increase in the availability of automotive financing. The Indian automotive market became a buyer’s market during this phase. Coinciding with the second wave of liberalization, the third phase from early 2000 till date could be termed as a phase of globalization of the Indian automotive industry. This phase has been marked by the removal of most import controls, entry of many more foreign players in the Indian automotive market and Indian companies gaining a global identity and acquiring foreign companies. The year 2008 is an important year for the Indian automobile industry. Today, the Indian automobile industry is ranked first in the world in the production of three wheelers, second in the production of two wheelers, fourth in the production of commercial vehicles and ninth in the production of passenger vehicles. With a production of nearly 10. 8 million vehicles in FY07-08, the Indian automotive industry has shown an outstanding resilience after the last down cycle about a decade back. In the last few years, the Indian automotive industry has grown at a healthy rate by reducing costs and improving efficiency. With its new found confidence, it has gone beyond the shores of India and is creating a noteworthy footprint in different geographies in the world. The Indian automotive market with a healthy growth rate of 13% in the last 7 years was a source of attraction to many foreign automobile companies whose entry in the Indian market not only increased competition, but also raised customer expectations about product quality and reliability. This forced the Indian companies to introduce new and interesting products and innovation has now become a noteable feature of the Indian automotive industry. The innovation story of the Indian automotive industry would not be complete without mentioning the NANO, which has evoked worldwide interest, curiosity and confidence in the competency of Indian talent. It has not only brought the automobile industry, but also India into focus. The NANO and other similar products have the potential to change the paradigm of the automotive industry worldwide. To maintain a high rate of growth, retain the attractiveness of the Indian market and to further enhance competitiveness in the market place, the Indian automotive industry has been working in a collaborative manner with the government and has drafted an Automotive Mission Plan 2006-16. Some of the key initiatives which have been pursued as per the Automotive Mission Plan include: †¢ Establishment of National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure development Project (NATRIP) †¢ Initiatives for creation and fulfillment of automotive demand †¢ Initiatives towards the betterment of society and the environment, and †¢ Initiatives to become a catalyst for generating an additional 25 million jobs. In the last five years, sales in various segments of the Indian automobile market have grown at a healthy rate of 15% to 27 %. This growth provided encouragement to various players and nearly Rs 78,000 crores of investment has been planned, out of which more than 50% has already been committed. However, today the Indian automotive industry is facing unprecedented challenges. On one hand, demand is shrinking because of the lack of availability of consumer finance, high interest rates and the high cost of fuel, and on the other, cost of input materials has witnessed massive increases. e. g. in the last two years, steel price has increased by almost 40%, copper prices are up by 45%, natural rubber has risen by 40% . The impact of steel price increase alone on various segments of automobiles is quite significant. These factors are having a catastrophic impact on the bottom line of the Indian automotive industry and are resulting in withdrawal, scaling down or deferment of capital investment which would hurt the objectives of the Automotive Mission Plan in the long run. Two other long term challenges are faced by the Indian automotive industry. The first one is climate change due to global warming which would have an impact on all. Contribution of carbon dioxide emissions giving rise to global warming by various sectors are – Public Electricity and Heat Production: 53% Manufacturing Industries & Construction21% Internal transportation (Road,rail,air)12% Others14% (Source: International Energy Agency-2005 Report based on 2001 data for India) Reduction in carbon dioxide emission would require a holistic and an integrated approach. However, the automotive industry is aware of its 10% contribution and is conscious and determined to pursue initiatives to reduce the same. This could be implemented by adopting an integrated and a partnership approach. Some of the initiatives that would reduce carbon dioxide emissions include introduction of new and more fuel efficient vehicles, a mandatory inspection and maintenance regime, the removal of old vehicles as they contribute to a larger portion of carbon dioxide emissions, efficient traffic management, use of alternative fuels like CNG, LPG, bio-diesel etc and the introduction of electric vehicles / hybrid. The second challenge which the Indian automotive industry is facing today is in attracting and nurturing talented manpower not only for the creation of better and reliable products but also for servicing and maintenance throughout the life cycle of the product. More than 60% of the additional 25 million jobs that is projected to get created as per the Automotive Mission Plan, would be in the skilled category. ? INDIAN AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY AND HYBRID TECHNOLOGY: [pic] ? WHY HYBRIDS IN INDIA: [pic] [pic] [pic] CONCLUSION: [pic] III. COMPANIES PROFILE: Hybrid technology has become a latest trend in the automotive industry. There are a number of companies which have adopted this technology. The list of the companies which have launched their hybrid vehicles are: ? TATA ? Hyundai ? Honda ? Mahindra & Mahindra ? Ford ? Toyota ? BMW ? Nissan Motors A brief profile of these companies and their hybrid car versions are discussed in the following pages: [pic] ? COMPANY OVERVIEW: The Hyundai Motor Company, a division of the Hyundai Kia Automotive Group, is South Korea’s largest and the world’s fifth largest automaker in terms of units sold per year. Headquartered in Seoul, Hyundai operates the world’s largest integrated automobile manufacturing facility in Ulsan, which is capable of producing 1. 6 million units annually. The Hyundai logo, a slanted, stylized ‘H’, is said to be symbolic of two people (the company and customer) shaking hands. In 1998, after a shake-up in the Korean auto industry caused by overambitious expansion and the Asian financial crisis, Hyundai acquired rival Kia Motors. In 2000, the company established a strategic alliance with DaimlerChrysler and severed its partnership with the Hyundai Group. In 2001, the Daimler-Hyundai Truck Corporation was formed. In 2004, however, DaimlerChrysler divested its interest in the company by selling its 10. 5 percent stake for $900 million. Hyundai has invested in manufacturing plants in the North America, China, Pakistan, India, and Turkey as well as research and development centers in Europe, North America, and Japan. In 2004, Hyundai Motor Company had $57. 2 billion in sales in South Korea making it the country’s second largest corporation, or chaebol. Worldwide sales in 2005 reached 2,533,695 units, an 11 percent increase over the previous year. Hyundai has set as its 2006 target worldwide sales of 2. 7 million units (excluding exports of CKD kits). Hyundai motor vehicles are sold in 193 countries through some 5,000 dealerships and showrooms. After a recent survey of global automotive sales by Automotive News, Hyundai is now the tenth largest automaker in the world in 2007. [5] Hyundai Motor Company’s brand power continues to rise as it was ranked 72nd in the 2007 Best Global Brands by Interbrand and Business Week survey. Brand value estimated at $4. 5 billion. Public perception of the Hyundai brand has been transformed as a result of dramatic improvements in the quality of Hyundai vehicles. ? HYBRIDS IN HYUNDAI: Hyundai plans to begin producing hybrid electric vehicles in 2009. The Avante will be the first vehicle to be produced. Since 2004, Hyundai has supplied about 3,000 hybrid versions of its Getz and Accent small cars to government fleets as part of a testing program. The automaker cites a lack of local tax benefits for purchasing hybrids as a barrier to its hybrid development program. But Hyundai expects the tax situation to change in 2009. The new hybrid electric Sonata will make its debut at the Los Angeles International Auto Show in November 2008. Hyundai expects to release it in the U. S. market in 2010, featuring lithium-ion battery technology ? HYUNDAI HYBRIDS IN INDIA: Hyundai is getting increasingly aggressive these days. If Genesis sedan assault wasnt enough, Hyundai is now seriously looking at another Japanese stronghold, the Hybrids. The company is planning to go full steam in developing its own hybrid technology. The company will start off with the hybrid variants of Accent, Sonata and Avante sedan while the research and development center in India will be given the go ahead to develop the technology for small cars. Currently, Hyundai provides Verna (Accent) hybrid models to government agencies as pilot projects. The plan is to expand the line-up to mid-sized sedans and beyond for mass production, starting from 2009. Seok San Jang, a senior vice president for Hyundai’s international business operations saysâ€Å"We have been slow in the field so far but have aggressive plans given the fact that high oil prices have made hybrids almost a necessity now. From next year, we will sell hybrid cars in Korea and by 2010 we will be selling them all over the world, India is our hub for small cars and hybrids for smaller cars will also eventually come from there. †? HYUNDAI HYBRID MODELS: |[pic] |[pic] | |HYUNDAI ACCENT |HYUNDAI GETZ | [pic] ? COMPANY OVERVIEW: Tata Motors Limited, formerly known as TELCO (TATA Engineering and Locomotive Company), is a multinational corporation headquartered in Mumbai, India. It is India’s largest passenger automobile and commercial vehicle manufacturing company. Part of the Tata Group, and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of commercial vehicles. The OICA ranked it as the world’s 20th largest automaker, based on figures for 2006. Tata Motors was established in 1945, when the company began manufacturing locomotives. The company manufactured its first commercial vehicle in 1954 in collaboration with Daimler-Benz AG, which ended in 1969. Tata Motors was listed on the NYSE in 2004, and by 2005 it was ranked among the top 10 corporations in India with an annual revenue exceeding INR 320 billion. In 2004, it bought Daewoo’s truck manufacturing unit, now known as Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle, in South Korea. It also, acquired a 21% stake in Hispano Carrocera SA, giving it controlling rights in the company. Tata Motors launched their much awaited Tata Nano, noted for its Rs 100,000 price-tag, in January 2008. In March 2008, it finalised a deal with Ford Motor Company to acquire their British Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) business, which also includes the Rover, Daimler and Lanchester brand names. The purchase was completed on 2 June 2008 Tata Motors has its manufacturing base in Jamshedpur, Pantnagar, Lucknow, Ahmedabad and Pune. ? HYBRIDS IN TATA The world’s cheapest car, Tata Nano, may also turn out to be world’s cheapest hybrid version as well. Tata Motors intends to offer micro-hybrid version of Tata Nano with micro-hybrid technology that allows the vehicle to reduce fuel consumption and emissions by up to 10 percent. According to a leading Indian news channel, Bosch shall provide the micro-hybrid technology to Nano also known as Start-Stop System. This system allows the engine to automatically turn off when the vehicle is not moving. This additional technology may cost another Rs. 4000 to Rs. 6000 to the overall cost but this technology is definitely the cheapest hybrid technology most suitable for the world’s cheapest car. Most of the countries around the world are getting stricter with fuel consumption and emission norms including Europe and the US. This micro-hybrid technology can b deployed to the vehicles at much lower cost than full hybrid systems. The micro-hybrid technology will also be available in diesel and electric variants of Nano. [pic] TATA NANO [pic] ? COMPANY OVERVIEW: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW), (English: Bavarian Motor Works) is an independent German automobile manufacturer founded in 1916. It also produces motorcycles, is the owner of the MINI brand and is the parent company of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. ? HYBRIDS IN BMW: ? BMW H6 ACTIVE HYBRID: BMW ActiveHybrid is a particular highlight of BMW EfficientDynamics, BMW’s trendsetting development strategy for today’s world. Introducing this technology, BMW is taking the next step in the ongoing reduction of fuel consumption and emissions. BMW ActiveHybrid is based on a modular concept following the strategy of â€Å"Best of Hybrid†to integrate the most appropriate, optimum components in each case in different concepts. The concept is running a new BMW drivetrain that integrates the batteries, electronics systems and power inverter all within the transmission. Compared with the non-hybrid model, the new Active Hybrid is said to improve fuel-economy by up to 20%. The two-mode hybrid system, co-developed with General Motors and DaimlerChrysler, uses twin electric motors which can either be used to boost acceleration, charge the batteries or as a generator to mutually power each other. The two-mode active transmission is based on an ECVT electrical continuously variable transmission. The two operating modes, one of which has been optimised for low, the other for high speeds, are supplemented by fixed transmission ratios. Fitting in with BMW’s new EfficientDynamics focus, the modular hybrid system can be easily adapted to other models and should make its way across more cars in coming years. [pic] BMW X6 ACTIVE HYBRID ? BMW DIESEL X5 HYBRID VERSION: BMW will be presenting a new eco-friendly concept touting the latest in EfficientDynamics technology at the upcoming Geneva Motor Show. BMW has given a preview of the upcoming concept, a twin-turbo diesel X5 with a hybrid system. As has been the trend in Europe of late, carmakers are developing ultra-efficient hybrid models by combining frugal diesel engines with electric powertrains. BMW X5 SUV is fitted with a 2. 0L turbodiesel and the carmaker’s mild ActiveHybrid technology plus an eight-speed automatic gearbox and even roof-mounted solar panels. All of these technologies combine to deliver the best fuel economy and lowest emissions of any fullsize SUV currently on sale. The BMW Vision EfficientDynamics delivers 43. 5mpg on the combined cycle and just 172g/km of CO2 emissions. Despite its green credentials, the X5 ActiveHybrid is no slouch. Output from the diesel stands at 204hp and 400Nm of torque, and the hybrid systems adds a further 20hp and 210Nm of torque under acceleration.
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