Saturday, August 17, 2019

Evolution of globalization

In 1492 the process of globalization began when Christopher Columbus unintentionally â€Å"discovered† the â€Å"new world†. The   cultures   of   the Nahua, Inca, Maya, and Spanish   peoples during the contact and conquest periods (1400s-1600s) was one of the factor that led to globalization.   The different   cultural, economic, social, philosophical, and political systems of these peoples, both before and after conquest  Ã‚   cast an shadow of   these cultures, though conquered, shape the Spanish-American colonial system as it developed in these regions. The blend of different civilizations: The present linguistic situation in ‘Merida’ has engrossed its roots from the pre-colonial period of Mexico. The first   Crenellation   took   place   during the final voyage of, Christopher Columbus in the year 1502.   When his ships entered   Spain   the people over there didn’t know they were listening to the Mayan language. The first Mayan word they heard was â€Å"turquin† which translates to gold and money as wealth was the main goal of Christopher’s expeditions. Two Spanish explorers who were stranded in Mayan land   were     later found by conquistador Cortes . One of the stranded explorers was Aguilar who served as a interpreter between the two civilizations. Later ‘castellano’ language was developed and till now it is in use. The two entirely different civilizations was plunged as thick roots into the nation. Castellano Vs Maya-Yucateco : The new linguistic politics began with the catholic missionaries in the sixteenth century The Spanish priests had to learn the language of the pupils who were mostly Mayans. Formal studies of Maya- Yucateco   was done and the first dictionary was brought out in 1546. The colonization of Yucatan   was mainly   because of   the Mendicant   Landa. The learning of Maya-Yucateco continued until the eighteenth century . For many reasons there was little teaching of ‘castellano’ language to the Mayans . Linguists have divided the variations spoken by Mayans into 30 different languages. They are all included in generic term ‘Maya’. Discrimination: The language was one of the factor that     divided people from the globalization. There were the people who supported the Mayan literature and some saying that ‘castellano’   Ã‚  was something uncontrollable and inevitable, the product of modernization. Discrimination arouse for the Mayans in Merida. They were denied access to certain places and discouraged from being in others. This is a situation that is still in the existence. Mayans developed a passive resistant syncretism to the spiritual conquest that was imposed upon them. Though cultures accepted military defeat, but in an effort to keep some semblance of former lives pays a service to the Spaniard religion, still practicing the hated idolatry in secret. While the conquerors were assimilating Mayans, the Mayans were assimilating the conquerors religion.this resulted in the extension of the interrogation by Spaniards to the new world in   paradox   of     Christianity   at the time. Conclusion  Ã‚   : The evolution invoked by Christopher Columbus led to globalizationIn turn it resulted in a revolution that brought discrimination Until now it continues to be the present situation.   The endless †¦   

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