Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Antibellum DBQ essay essays
Antibellum DBQ essay essays During the Antebellum years the United States of America was changing, separate political parties formed and education was stressed. Social, religious, and political reforms during these years helped shape society into what it is today. People focused on the reformation of many different things, women's rights, slavery, schooling, the criminal justice system and poverty. During the Antebellum reforms Americans were still very religious as a people which lead to the Second Great Awakening. The Second Great Awakening was a response to the growing liberalism. The Second Great Awakening resulted in many new denominations of Christianity. Methodists and Baptists, two of the new denominations, used democracy to settle church affairs, these changes lead to more reformations. According to Francis Grund, the inspiration of American reforms was directly linked with religion. He stated, "Religion has been the basis of the most important American settlements...The Americans look upon their religion as a promoter of civil and political liberty" ( Doc 3) Religion had a major effect on reformations in America. Theodore Parker had views on religion and war. "War is an utter violation of Christianity.... If war be right, then Christianity is wrong, false, a lie. Every man who understands Christianity knows that war is wrong." (Doc 5) Theodore Parker was a Massachuse tts minister and was a leading abolitionist. Political figures had many influences on reformation as well. Andrew Jackson had faith in the common man and believed in human perfection. Jackson said "I believe man can be elevated; man can become more and more endowed with divinity; and as he does he becomes more God-like in his character and capable of governing himself. Let us go on elevating our people, perfecting our institutions, until democracy shall reach such a point of perfect that we can acclaim with truth that the voice of the people is the voice of God" (Doc 1). He thought tha...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Health safety at work Essays
Health safety at work Essays Health safety at work Essay Health safety at work Essay Employers and employees must comply with the duties set out in out which are as follows: Section 2 places a duty on employers for the health, safety and welfare of employees by consulting with read union safety representatives on health and safety matters within workplace. Moreover, employers with more than five employees should prepare written health and safety policy and bring it to the notice of employees. Section 3 requires employers to make sure that non employees who may be affected but work are not exposed to their health and safety. Section 4 requires ensuring that the premises, plant and machinery do not harm the people using It. Section 5 requires the prevention and control of harmful, noxious or offensive emissions into the atmosphere. Section 6 places duties that designers, manufacturers and suppliers are that the articles and substances provided are safe to use. Section 7 requires the employee to take care of him or her and any of other who may be affected by his or her actions. And also require the employees cooperation with their employer in health and safety issues. Section 8 requires employees to not Interfere or misuse anything provided in the Interest of health and safety. This brief sets out to identify health and safety legislation and procedures applied in Food retail industry McDonalds. Background From the article published on leading newspaper on 2nd April 2008, McDonalds at Leister has been fined a total of almost 40000 after a worker was badly injured following a fall. During hearing in the court, the company admitted breaching health and safety regulation. Worker also complained about the failure to correctly complete an accident investigation form, and also there had been failure to complete a falls risk assessment which would have averted the accident. After that accident, McDonalds has a strong health and safety culture and then design of kitchen had en altered and safety upgraded. So It Is very Important that food Retail Industry company McDonalds should take health and Safety of their employers seriously and therefore in safety procedures are been discussed in rest of the briefing paper. One of the major priority of Macdonald is to ensure the safety of employees, customers and visitors. Co-operation on the part of us all is vital to the success of the Health Safety Policy. Every staff have their own responsibilities to ensure that the risk of Injury or Ill health Is enameled. As with all other aspects of business , Macdonald re continually Improving tenet performance Day measuring gallant standards Ana reviewing safety progress on daily basis. Negation of health and safety requirement is considered as the serious breach of discipline. Employee Responsibilities in McDonalds As being the employee of Macdonald, there are various responsibilities one needs to follow to ensure health and safety at workplace. First and foremost to take reasonable care for health and safety of oneself and other persons who may be affected by your acts or omissions at work; In order to fulfill company statutory obligations and comply with company policy, employee needs to cooperate with management teams and other crew member. All the safety rules and procedures must be carefully observed and PEP should be worn all the time when handling any risky objects and any safeguards provided shouldnt be misused or recklessly interfered with anything in interest of health and safety. Managers should have responsibilities for training and supervising the crew members during the shift and have to ensure that staffs are adhering to correct procedures. Witness of Heath and Safety Hazard If any specific health or safety hazard which is not covered in rules book, comes to attention then one should isolate the area or equipment immediately and report to the shift manager. Likewise every restaurant , Macdonald also has a Hazard Reporting Book ,where any seen hazard must be recorded. And Failure to record the hazard in that book provided will be treated extremely seriously and results in disciplinary action. Informed about health and safety issue One of the internal part of all procedures is Health and Safety. Additional specific training is provided to employees as a part of training courses in line with susceptibilities provided. Health and safety manual is provided at each restaurant the gives the details of Additionally specific training in safety matters is included in various training courses in line with your responsibilities. A Health Safety Manual is provided at each restaurant and gives details of the organization and arrangement for implementing and developing health and safety policy,Risk statements for various tasks, equipment and chemicals handling, safety bulletins are provided to highlight safety issues in regular interval. Staff and management held safety circle tenting to review the progress and effectiveness of safety within the restaurant in regular basis. Macdonald always involves the participation of crews and managers in the development and operations of health and safety policy. Opportunities are provided to crews and manager to address any safety measures or any concern at safety circle meetings. Additionally, any specific or general comments on health and safety matters is always welcomed any time by contacting the managers. A Risk Assessment As with any workplace, there is a risk of injury or ill health to yourself and other if not now about hazards. So one has make sure to follow company policies and procedures when handling with hazards. Incase of Accident All injuries must be reported to manager and shift managers must ensure that their first aid qualification is up to date. If any accidents occurs in the shift then it should be recorded on accident book. The checklist inside the accident book also highlights ten legal Dilation to report spectacles types AT Injury to employees, essences Trot work following an injury , or incidents known as Dangerous Occurrences to the Local Authority within strictly defined time period. The shift managers is reprehensible for the communicating the accurate information to Hygiene Safety Department within right period of time for the company to fulfill its statutory duties. Health and Safety Procedure at McDonalds Every staff working in McDonalds must complicity with following heath and safety procedure while working in restaurant: Firstly Uniform must be neat and clean including apron. Hair must be way from face, completely under hat. Hand must be washed using correct methods. Hands must be washed and dried thoroughly whenever contaminated. Hands must be washed every 30 min when working in itched an in every hour when working front counter, drive-thru or dining area. Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls Commonly occurred accident in workplace is slip and fall. The following procedure must be followed to ensure safety for everyone: Floor should be always kept clean by sweeping and mopping the floor with fresh Solidness Floorer Solution. Wet Floor sign must be placed on the area when needed. Mopping should be avoided during busy periods. Any spillages seen should be cleared straight away and wet floor sign should be placed near spillage. Never run. Correct shoes must be worn overtime. Shoes must have good grip, be enclosed,comfortable and clean. Trip hazards must be avoided by not leaving boxes, cables or other obstruction near doorways or where others might trip over. Working at Height Whenever working in height ,either to access items or for cleanliness step ladders must be used all the time. Following procedures must be applied when using step ladders: Ladders steps must be clean and dry. Ensure steps are in good condition and are clean and dry Ladders should be fully open with side bars locked into position. Standing on the top two steps should be avoided. Never lean sideways. Always climb down and the steps should be repositioned. Help should always be asked when needed. Standing or standing on equipment, chairs or stock room shelves should be avoided. Roof access is restricted to Managers and Service Engineers, unless otherwise stated. Preventing Burns There are various equipment in Macdonald which are operated at high temperatures and can cause burn and injuries. Following procedures should be applied to prevent from burn: Upper grill platens must be closed and left standby hen not in use. All equipment must be left to cool down prior to cleaning. Toasters are lowered or locked before moving them. Extra care should be taken when pouring and serving hot drinks to customer. Handling Vats and Hot Oil Vats shouldnt be cleaned or filtered by someone who are not trained to do so. Protective clement must De worn when Telling Ana cleaning vats 011 consultant be discarded unless it has cooled below ICC and have been trained to do so. Vat covers should always be on place when cleaning and pulling vat. While topping up vat,to avoid splashing it should be poured to front edge. If someone is burnt, call the Shift Manager or the designated First Eider. Fire Precautions Fire doors must be closed at all times to prevent fires spreading. Fire exits must be clear at all time to allow evacuation in event of fire. Doors shouldnt be disconnected with door closers or wedges. Every staff working in restaurant should know the fire exits location, alarm call points and assembly points. Smoking is prohibited within all restaurant areas. There is separate smoke area away from the restaurant. Be Alert Be alert for situations that might lead too fire, such as: Gas Doors Damaged plugs, sockets or cord. Extra rubbish from overflowing bin. Managers should be informed immediately in case of any fire safety risks. General Evacuation Procedure In the event of fire the nearest fire alarm is activated. One should only tackle the fire if been trained to do so or else should be reported to shift managers. Restaurant should be left medially with nearest exit available. Even on the case of hearing the alarm,one should leave by nearest exist and proceed to assembly point and report to anger immediately. The important things to remember are DO NOT stop to collect personal belongings,use any lifts and do not return to building until authorized. Use of Fire Extinguisher Extinguishers are made for different types of fire and one should know which one to use and how to use Lifts and Carrying Following are the procedures when lifting and carrying any objects in restaurant. Using chemicals All chemicals and substances used in McDonalds are safe to use when used in correct way. Instructions on the packaging should always be followed and extra care would be taken handling it. Read the label. There are different chemicals for different Job so to ensure proper cleaning right chemicals should be used. In order to minimize the risk of chemical contamination, chemicals shouldnt be transferred from one container to other and should never be mixed. Hand should be washed after handling chemicals. And managers should be informed if any skin irritations arise. Chemicals should be stored away from food and food packaging areas. Working Outside Some of Jobs should involve working outside such as assisting delivery, taking orders room cars in drive thru. In such case high-visibility vest or Jacket should be worn.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Chapter 6 Post War Modernism Question Case Study
Chapter 6 Post War Modernism Question - Case Study Example A shift from a rigid system also aided informed decision by offering an environment that could expose all members in an office of issues to be considered and factors affecting the issues. This meant that members of an organization with an open office sysem could easily contribute to problem solutions. The open system however had the disadvantage of compromising level of discipline and perceived authority at different management levels. This could further mean ineffectiveness in policy implementation. 2. Frank Lloyd Wright was known for the term Organic Design, using more natural elements. Eero Saarinen’s JFK airport is based on the outspread wings of an insect in flight. Why is experiencing new things in order to be able to observe different things crucial to design work? Experiencing new things in order to be able to different things in crucial art design work is important in developing widening designer’s perspective towards critical analysis of issues and creativity into design. Critical analysis and creativity allows for a better understanding of the observations and possible alternatives from the observations’ scopes. 3. For decades, decorators, designers and architects have â€Å"fought or struggled†with the concept that architecture was the more â€Å"professional†discipline. What does the chapter say regarding this and what caused the gradual change from interior decorator to interior
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Recognize Supply Chain Management Challenges in the Army's Supply Term Paper
Recognize Supply Chain Management Challenges in the Army's Supply System - Term Paper Example Supply chain management covers the processes of materials management, logistics, physical distribution management, purchasing, and information management†(Supply chain management.2007). SCM is a logistic network that is constructed on four elements i.e. suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses / distribution centers and customers. Likewise, the raw material, work-in-progress inventory (WIP), finished products flows and communicate between these four elements. The ultimate goal is to produce and distribute the manufactured goods in adequate quantities, to the correct locations and at the accurate time. However, there are certain factors that may lead to highlight difficulties in supply chain management processes. For instance, uncertainty may cause issues related to travel times, scheduling of transportation including vehicles and machines, weather forecasts, natural disasters, war, politics, labor issues etc. Similarly, in the same context military supply chain management networks are multifaceted as they are globally located and are managed by conventional and regulatory processes. Moreover, the management of these networks is convoluted due to segregating responsibilities for command, across different levels in the supply chain management network. Likewise, frequent promotions and job rotation in a rising-cost environment is a challenge. Furthermore, SCM has also encountered vulnerabilities. A security definition in the context of SCM is defined as â€Å"The discipline of contingency planning for any authorized delay, diversion, compromise or other related incident that could create a negative disruption or cost to a company’s flow of material, data or payment across international borders, from the point of conception to final delivery.†(Peck, 2003). Discussion The military supply chain management processes have witnessed many shortcomings in terms of improper communication channels between the SCM four elements i.e. suppliers, manufacturers , warehouses / distribution centers and customers. Moreover, there are several issues related to military supply chain that are discussed in separate headings. RFID Integration with Military Supply Chains â€Å"Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an enabling technology that will allow military logisticians to create synthesized and integrated end-to-end information on assets†(Estevez, 2005). Tracking troops is essential for the military supply chain, in order to align supplies in a reachable location. US faced a similar challenge during an Iraqi freedom operation, as the rapidly moving troops were tracked by incorporating information technology. Each combat unit was equipped with Radio frequency identification (RFID) transponders. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology to recognize objects. This technology is for eternity classified as a technology similar to Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC). AIDC consists of Barcodes, Biometrics and Smart cards. Apparently, RFID and Barcodes technologies are considered as one of the key drivers in supply chain management operations to categorize objects or merchandize at various workflow stages. In
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Social Media for Business Essay Example for Free
Social Media for Business Essay Introduction. The area under discussion in the following assignment is to quantify the possibility of a deviation from accuracy in the fifty samples formed from a selection of data, following their questionnaire rejoinders. Questioning in which there is a relationship between the kinds of social media is and the type of business. Moreover, does this relationship exist for the reason that day by day more people use social media? (NielsenWire, 2010).This assignment’s first directional hypothesis, testing the first question is: The longer a company use the social media, the more improver’s its customer’s relation. This assignment’s second directional hypothesis, testing the second question is: The longer a company use social media, the helpful to raise companies’ profile. This assignment third hypothesis is: The more skilled companies’ employees are in using social media, the more customers attracts to the firm. Firstly this assignment will review the questionnaire follow by my personal critique. Secondly, present its ‘findings in a variety of tables and graphs followed by analyse and discussion relate on the literature review. This assignment will end with a personal suggestion for future research. Questionnaire. According to Sekaran and Bougie 2009, our data collecting method was questionnaire. A questionnaire is a pre-formulated question, in particular written set of questions to which the respondent records his/her answers. Students at Canterbury Christ Church University Worked under the guidance of Zoodikers Consulting Ltd were the general administered of the questionnaire research that had been considered for this assignment. In addition by choosing a questionnaire in the method of collecting data will increase the chance that more people will respond on our survey. Due to the fact that a ‘questionnaire’ can be complied in short period of time and that the exact questionnaire had been contain with close questions. In result, this questionnaire was not monotonous to its targets and it could achieve its aim of research. (Michaelidou, et al, 2011) For this assignment the questionnaires had been mail to the responders with a result of delayed he data analysis and some of them di dn’t return. In my personal opinion, the questionnaire is clear and easy to understand, particularly it include close questions at the beginning and slightly more complex questions later in order to be more clear and easy to the target group. Certain questions have nearly the same meaning such as, question seven with question nine, also the question ‘My company accepts and adapts to new technology’ displays two time on the questionnaire. Also if I were going to do this questioner again, I would situate more questions that can be specific on how the social media help companies raise their profits and also make specific questions on what social media platform companies use and for what main reason do they use each one. For example: Which social platform helps your company raise its relationships with customers, as feedback gathering. and which social media does your company use in advertising and promotion. As well as an issue arises in question three with the time that a company is using social media. Is been consider that is need more time to see the difference on using social media in many factors. It may be restored with longer time between the answers. Perhaps using: 6months, 12 months, 18 months, over than 24 months. In my personal view this information consider more useful. However, the questionnaire perform fair-minded part in not asking personal questions such as, responders name etc.(Fisher, 2010). It leads the respondent over the questionnaire and continues with general questions followed by more focused questions. According to the fact that our target was people who work in companies and by this I mean that people, who have general education level ensure that everyone could answer it easily. For the most part the frequently use of ‘strongly agree’ scale makes it relatively easy for there audience to select answers and become more comfortable with the questions format. An analysis and discussion of results. Primarily, you will note from the first pie chart below that approximately all companies are using social media platforms. In particular, over forty nine samples that filled in only one company do not use social media platform. Another research shows that firms use social media as a daily part of business (Carter, 2011). This authorise that social media proves to be very important for organisations (Shih, 2009), additionally evidence (e.g. Shih, 2009) recommend that social media is one of the most important tool on running a company. In the second pie chart you can see that manufacturing and transport companies do not use social media. According to manufacturing executive (Can Manufacturing use Social Media to improve its image?, 2012) manufacturing lives outside the world of social media se antithesi with transport companies (Social Media in Transportation in 2012, 2012). However, business services companies that have as most important implement the communicate, collaborate and share information (Enders, Hungenberg, Denker, Mauch, 2008) In order to test the first hypothesis we will test the variable: ‘How long has your company been using social media?’ against another variable: ‘Our relations with customers have improved since we started using social media. ’The table below shows the results of a cross tabulation to the question ‘How long has your company been using social media in addition to agreeing with the following statement Our relations with our customers have improved since we stared using social media. A Chi-squared distribution method will be used in this assignment in order to test its hypotheses. Through this test is going to make clear to whether the collected data are close to the results that been expected. The Chi-squared test for the above data is 3.620254 through a significance level of 10% and that means that there is 10/100 possibility that the results that had been gathered are by pure chance. In addition according to the Chi-squared test, the lowest level of confidence that is acceptable is 5%.In other words there is uncertain fact in the first hypothesis. Furthermore, the literature approve that social media is becoming a core element for businesses in the form of Customer Relation Management (CRM) (Beard, 2010).In particular, as well as known as ‘user-generated communication’, create a new source of information by changing the tools and strategies that companies use to communicate and interact with their customers. (Mangold Faulds, 2009). Another finding by Jacques et al (2011) is that internally networked firms share easier information and carriage them on decision making. The below area graph is displaying the results that had been found. From the below chart it is noticed that all companies start using social media more than 4 months. From the time of 4-6 months only 9% ‘strongly agree’ and 36% ‘agree’ to the statement. Companies that using more than a year the social media shows that there are more certain that social media improve their customer relations, which 24% ‘strongly agree’ and 44% ‘agree’ with the statement. To test the second hypothesis, this assignment took the variable ‘How long has your company been using social media?’ compare it with ‘Social media has helped the company to raise its profile’. In other words how do social media have impact on companies’ profit? The below table shows the results: According to the above table you can see that as the time past that a company use social media then the more raise the companies’ profile. The findings noted that of the forty nine individuals only four of them are ‘not sure’ or ‘disagree’ with the fact that social media is increasing a company’s profile. Correspondingly it’s has been note that on the companies that has been using social media for 4-6 months, only one company,9% ‘strongly agree’ and 9 companies 82% ‘agree’ that is effective on the company profit. However with finding, 38% ‘strongly agree’ and 53% ‘agree’ companies that using social media more than a year are further sure that it’s have excessive impact on companies’ profile. The Chi-squared test data is 8.395945 with significant level of 10% which with the intention of this there is 10/100 probability that the findings that had been collected are through pure chance. In other words, due to the fact that the lowest level of significance confidence is been acceptable is 5% this hypothesis is uncertain. Furthermore the fact that Small, Medium Enterprises (SME’s) have found that using social media is a low-cost, affective marketing tool (Fischer, et al 2011) confirm that it’s reduce firms expenses. Moreover, in 2009 Facebook, a social network site had 206.9 million unique visitors globally (NielsenWire, 2010).This information increase and in my way of thinking ensure that firms by using social media are raising their profiles. To test the third hypothesis, this assignment compare the following variables: First, We have become skilled in using social media. with the second, Social media attracts new customers to the company. additionally the following hypothesis will investigate whether there is a difference on how skilled are companies employees in using social media, with how can affect on attracting new customers to the company. On the below table you can see the results of the third hypothesis. Its been recognise that Chi-squared is analyse on how two variables related to each other. In particular by comparing samples we discover whether there is significantly difference from each other. Its ensure us that our scores are not relate on chance. On the third hypothesis, the Chi-squared test data is 36,161934 with significant level of 1% which with the intention of this there is 1/100 probability that the findings collected are by means of pure chance. In other words, the second hypothesis has been confirmed. These all support the literature argument on the strong connection and big influence social media allows firm to have with the customers (Berinato Clark, 2010 cited in Fischer et al 2011).As well as allows for the firm to converse with customers and creating effectively a fan base (Volpe, 2008 Fischer et al 2011). On the other hand others literature arguments show that staff may not be familiar with social networking sites (Michealidou et al 2011) and that some of them ignore social media because they don’t have the knowledge of how to use it to an advantage (Kietzmann et al, 2011). This assignment point to test the results of an open question, nonetheless the few amount of responders on ‘open question’ make it unreliable to compare the relationship between these responses by means of another variable as the information is pure. Conclusion Furthermore the analysed of the statistic data answer the research questions that had been set out in the introduction of this assignment. For the most part, this assignment shows that there is a relationship between the use of social media and their relation with customers. This is due to the good communication channels that contain in social networking sites. Finally, proving that there is a relationship between the skilled an employee is in using social media the more customers will attract to its company. This is the reason that university is making a lot of effort in making student be aware of social media and be able to use the ‘power’ of it. The future research that this assignment could look into is what social media platform companies use and for what main reason do they use each one. Reference Beard, D. (2010) Do it right: Social media for B2B firms, Marketing (00253650), pp. 19-19 Available at: (Accessed 25/10/11) Carter, M. (2011) ‘Small but nimble’, Computer Weekly, p. 19. (Accessed: 13 November 2011) Christodoulides, G. (2009). Branding in the post-Internet era. Marketing theory, Vol 9, Issue (1), PP141-144. Sage publications Ltd. Available at: Date accessed 5/11/11. Constantnides, E. (2008) ‘The Web 2.0 as Marketing Tool: Opportunities for SMEs’ Mendeley,9,3,pp.231-244. [Online] DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.dddmp.4350098 (Accessed: 9 November 2011). Enders et al., 2008A. Enders, H. Hungenberg, H.-P. Denker, S. Mauch The long tail of social networking: Revenue models of social networking sites European Management Journal, 26 (2008), pp. 199–211 Article | PDF (395 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (16) Fischer, E, Reuber, R (2011) Social interaction via new social media: (How) can interactions on Twitter affect effectual thinking and behavior?, Journal of Business Venturing, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 1-18, Available at (Accessed 1/11/11) Fisher, C (2010). Researching and Writing a Dissertation. 3rd ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. pp.210 217. Fisher, T. (2009). ROI in social media: A look at the arguments. Journal of Database Marketing Customer Strategy Management, Vol. 16 Issue 3. PP189-195. Available at: Date Accessed: 6/11/11 Jacques, B. and Chui, M. (2011) ‘How Web 2.0 pays off: The Growth Dividend Enjoyed by Networked Enterprises’ McKinsley Quarterly, 2, EBSCOHost [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 13 November 2011). Kietzmann, J., Hermkens, K. and McCarthy, I. (2011) ‘Social media? Get Serious! Understanding the Functional Building Blocks of Social Media’, Science Direct, 54, pp. 241-251. [Online] DOI: 10.1016/j.bushor.2011.01.005 (Accessed: 26 November 2011). Mangold and Faulds, 2009W.G. Mangold, D.J. Faulds Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix Business Horizons, 52 (2009), pp. 357–365 Article | PDF (207 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (33) NielsenWire, 2010NielsenWire Led by Facebook, Twitter, global time spent on social media sites up 82% year over year, January 22 2010 Available at: (2010) [Accessed 26 November 2010] Michaelidou, N., Siamagka, N. T. Christodoulides, G. (2011). Usage, barriers and measurement of social media marketing: An exploratory investigation of small and medium B2B brands, Industrial Marketing Management, (0), Available at: (Accessed 25/10/11) Russell, M.G. (2009) A call for creativity in new metrics for liquid media. Journal of interactive advertising, Vol 9. Issue 2. PP 44-61. Available at: Date Accessed 11/11/11 Sekaran, U and Bougie, R (2009). Research Methods for Business. 5th ed. Chichester: John Wiley Sons. pp.197. Volpe, M. (2008, March 5). How to use Twitter for marketing and PR [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Friday, November 15, 2019
Why Do People Wrongfully Confess To Crimes?
Why Do People Wrongfully Confess To Crimes? False confession and self-incriminating admittance made to the police by innocent suspects which is clearly against their self- interest is usually a combination of factors which are associated with various circumstances and nature of the custodial interrogation, the suspects personality factors and psychological vulnerabilities. What is more there are serious consequence that follow from confession and this also applies to the case of false confession. The study from the United States shows that around half of the confessions which eventually were established to be false led to criminal conviction (Howitt, 2006). A confession, defined as a written or oral statement acknowledging guilt, in criminal law is a very powerful form of evidence an irresistible confirmation of guilt. While most confessions are true, some people have been known to confess to a crime they did not commit. According to Kassin (2008 cited in Hewstone, 2005), 20 to 25% of all DNA exonerations involve innocent prisoners who confessed. Among many of the studies of Gudjonsson (2003) and The Innocent Project, a long list of cases is provided in which people have been imprisoned for a long period or even executed on the basis of false confession. In the United Kingdom these include the cases of the Guildford Four and Birmingham Six, two cases from the mid 1970s in which innocent people received a long prison sentence based on the evidence that included false confession. But the reason or question of why people make false confessions is more of a psychological issue which according to Hewston (2005) can be broken into two types of confession; voluntary ( which occurs in the absence of any obvious external pressure ) and coerced. Furthermore coerced false confession can be broken down into two sub-types: coerced-compliant (in which an individual confesses in order to escape from a stressful situation) and coerced-internalized false confession(confession where the person becomes convinced, at least in the short term, that she or he did commit the crime). Centuries ago, a confession was treated as a conviction Conti (1999). In order to obtain the confession, the use of physical torture was common, and all confessions were routinely disclosed into evidence without question. But slowly over the centuries, the act of confession in the legal system changed from the obtaining of confession by physical torture, in the mid 1700s, to totally excluding coerced confession by the mid to late 1800s. By the 19th century, the courts were sceptical of all confessions and tended to dismiss them if questionable Conti (1999) . According to Munsterberg (1908 cited in Gudjonsson, 2003) the principal cause for false confession is emotional shock which falsifies peoples memory, especially during the police interrogation. Moreover psychoanalyst and criminologist Theodor Reik (1959 cited in Conti, 1999), argue that the process of making a false statements originates from the unconscious compulsive need to confess. He argues that if instinctual impulses striving for expression are spurned or condemned by the external world, the still feeble ego can manage only to express them in the form of confession. Hence, the inclination to confess is a modified urge for the expression of the drives. However, researchers such as (Ofshe, 1991; Zimbardo, 1967 cited in Gudjonsson,2003; Conti, 1999, Hewstone, 2005) claim that the false confession is a consequence of police incompetence and maliciousness. The primary aim of the questioning of suspects by the police is to obtain a confession from them or to gain information which m ay be relevant to lead to a conviction. Therefore skilful interrogation requires the use of psychological principles and concepts. Experienced police questioning uses a variety of methods and techniques. As a consequence, in order to obtain confessions from suspects, police interrogators may use lies and some forms of deception. For example telling the suspects that they have evidence linking them to the crime when in fact no such evidence exists. Radically speaking there are a lot of different psychological reasons why people do confess to crimes they did not commit. Based on this, Kassin and Wrightsman (1985 cited in Gudjonsson, 2003, Howitt, 2005, Conti, 1999) indicate three different psychological types of false confession: voluntary, coerced-compliant and the coerced-compliant false confession. A voluntary false confession occurs in a case, when an individual in the absence of any obvious external pressure presents themselves to the police and admits to a crime they did not commit. In doing so people report themselves, claiming that they are the perpetrators after having seen the report of an event on television or read about it in the press. There may be several reasons for this according to Kassin and Wrightsman(1985 cited in Gudjonsson, 2003; Howitt, 2005; Conti, 1999; Hewston, 2005 ): Firstly the pathological desire to gain fame, which from the psychological perspective would be seen as the need to increase ones self-esteem even if it means having to face the cost of imprisonment. As an example Kassin and Wrightsman use the fact that over 200 people falsely confessed to the famous Lindbergh kidnapping as a result of a desire for recognition (Charles Lindbergh an American hero who was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone, On 1st March 1939 his first b orn baby was kidnapped for ransom and later found dead. Although the suspect was found and later convicted and executed for the crime, doubts about his guilt have persisted around the case for years as a consequence of the large number of other individuals who confessed to the crime in order to receive recognition and fame). Moreover seeking to alleviate the guilt, which often occurs in depressed people (the person may feel guilt about previous events in their life , and believe that they deserve to be punished). There is inability to distinguish fact from fantasy, in other words they are unable to distinguished between real event and events which derive from their imagination. This type of behaviour is often associated with disorders such as schizophrenia. Furthermore they believe that it is not possible to prove their own innocence, and therefore the confession to the crime is to mitigate the punishment. As well as a desire to protect the real criminals and the desire to conceal a nother, more serious offence or offences. Coerced-compliant false confession, in other word forced confession, is the result of pressure exerted during interrogations. In this case the potential suspect does not confess voluntary but admits to it in order to avoid the difficult and stressful situation. According to Vennard, (1984 cited in Hewston, 2005) this happens for several different reasons such as the suspect might wish to please the interrogator, avoid further detention and interrogation, avoid physical harm( real or imagined) or strike a deal with the interrogator that brings some reward for making a confession. What is more the suspect is fully aware of the consequences arising from making a self-incriminating confession , but naively believes that somehow the truth will come out later or that their defence lawyer will be able to correct their false confession (Gudjonsson, 1993) The third type of false confession is coerced -internalization. In other words enforced, internalized confession. This is where the suspect begins to believe that he committed the alleged offence, even though he does not have any actual memory of having committed the crime. According to Kassin, (1997 cited in Gudjonsson, 2003) this type of false confession is associated with two kinds of factors. Firstly the vulnerability of the suspect such as suggestibility, low intelligence, alcohol and drug use, age and stress. Secondly the presentation of false evidence by police, such as manipulated polygraph or other forensic tests such as fingerprints or bloodstains, testimony theoretically made by an accomplice, or a theatrical eyewitness identification, as a way to convince the suspect that they are guilty. Until recently, there was no empirical evidence for the concept of coerced-internalized false confessions. However, eyewitness memory researchers have found that misleading post-event in formation can alter actual or reported memories of observed events (Cutler Penrod, 1995; Loftus, 1979; Loftus Ketcham, 1994 cited in Conti, 1999). Furthermore contemporary studies suggest that it is even possible to implant false recollections of unrepeated experiences from childhood, such as being lost in a shopping mall, that theoretically had been forgotten, but in reality never happened (Loftus Ketcham, 1994). What is more Kassin and Kiechel (1996 cited in Gudjonsson, 2003, Howitt, 2005, Conti, 1999) have demonstrated in a laboratory experiment that false evidence presented to the innocent suspect can lead them to accept guilt for a crime they did not commit. In their studies Kassin and Kiechel invited 75 students to participate in what was introduced as a computer task. It was emphasized that during the task, they should not hit the ALT-key. After around one minute, the computer supposedly crashed and the experimenter accused participants of having pressed the forbidden ALT- key which all denied doing. At this stage the false evidence was introduced for some participants. In their study, Kassin and Kiechel (1996 cited in Gudjonsson, 2003, Howitt, 2005, Conti, 1999) found that 69% of them were willing to sign a false confession, 28% internalized guilt, and 9% confabulated details to support their false beliefs. As results the studies show that false confessions can be easily elicited. Furthermore according to Costanzo, Krauss and Pezdek, (2006) there are several other facts which may lead to false confession. These facts usually involve youths many of the well-known examples of false confession involve a juvenile or young suspect. In Dnzin and Leo(2004 cited in Costanzo et al, 2006) 32 per cent of proven false confessions were made by those under the age of 18 and 63 per cent were under the age of 25. Other factors include mental illness in the findings of Dnzin and Leo (2004 cited in Costanzo, Krauss and Pezdek, 2006) 10 per cent of the sample were diagnosed with some form of mental illness. He argues that mental illness suspects may suffer from the inability to foresee the long term consequence of a statement made during the questioning. Lastly there is the vulnerable personality people differ in their ability to oppose persuasion. Although there may be several aspects of personality that make people vulnerable to false confession such as the need for approval and social anxiety , the most powerful factors specially investigated because of their strong relation to false confession pointed out by Constanzo et al (2006) involve high suggestibility and compliance to authority. In addition to stable personality vulnerabilities a variety of reasons may influence the increase risk of false confession. Sleep deprivation lowers our opposition to oppression. Grief also can have an impact on false confessions. Several false confessions have involved a suspect who in a state of grief confessed to a crime they did not commit. All of these temporary states may lead to mental confusion hence false confession. In conclusion, there are several different reason why innocent people may confess to the crime they did not commit which involves psychological ,emotional and outside pressure such as police questioning. What is more we may distinguish between three different types of false confession which are voluntary, coerced-compliant and coerced-internalized. Each of those types of confession has a distinctive set of conditions and psychological consequences. According to Gudjonsson, (1993) in order to better understand false confession and avoid it in the future what is needed is more detailed and careful study of cases where people falsely confessed to serious crimes, and of particular importance would be the careful analysis of the techniques and methods used by the police during the interrogation which may be one of the many reasons for the false confession. Bibiography: Bartol, A.M. (2004) Introduction to forensic psychology. London: Sage Publication. Conti, R.P. (1999) The Psychology of False Confessions, The Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology, Vol. 2, No. 1. Costanzo, M., Krauss, D., Pezdek, K.(eds)(2006) Expert Psychological Testimony for the Courts. New Jersey: Psychology Press. Gudjonsson, G.(1993) The psychology of interrogations, confessions and testimony. Chichester: John Wiley and sons. Hewston, M., Finchman, D., Foster, J.(2005) Psychology. Oxford: BPS Blackwell. Horselenberg, R., Merckelbach, H., Josephs, S.(2003) INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AND FALSE CONFESSIONS: A CONCEPTUAL REPLICATION OF KASSIN AND KIECHEL (1996) Psychology, Crime Law, 9( 1) , pages 1 8. Howitt, D. (2006) Introduction to forensic and criminological psychology. Harlow: Pearson Longman. Newburn, T., Williamson, T., Wright, A. (eds)(2007) Handbook of criminal investigation.Devon: Willan Publishing. Newburn, T. (2007) Criminology. Devon: Willan Publishing. Weiner, I. B.(2003) Handbook of psychology. Hoboken: NJ Wiley.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Other Side of Truth
‘The Other Side of Truth’ is a novel written by author, Beverly Naidoo. The novel is mainly based on telling the truth and lying, and when it is right to do either. In the book are various types of situations where characters need to make a decision on whether to lie or to tell the truth. Beverly Naidoo provides the correct decisions and the wrong ones in the story. Naidoo shows in the novel, when it is ok to lie and when it is not. Naidoo suggests that if your life is in danger it is considered ok to lie, but if you assume your life is still in danger when it’s actually not you might accidently lie to the wrong people.Naidoo displays this when Sade and Femi find the father in a detention centre and ask him why he is not able to come back home with them. Folarin says that he cannot because Sade lied about who they were to the officials. Now the officials do not believe Folarin when he says that they are his kids. There is a sthrong message that sometimes one lie i s ok in the right circumstances, but consecutive lies could end you up in a lot of trouble. An important quote from the book states this idea, â€Å"A lie has seven winding path, the truth has one straight road. pg. 148. Lying could be a very dangerous thing, telling the truth is the best way to go, but even the truth can land you in trouble. The truth is a very powerful thing, it is important that you tell it, this is portrayed by Naidoo in her novel. Naidoo has based the whole novel around the truth. In the story it is used when it should and shouldn’t be. Folarin Solaja is the main protagonist in the novel when it comes to the importance of telling the truth. He states several quotes about how important in his mind, it is to tell the truth.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Anne Bradstreets `Before the Birth of One of Her Children` is written to her husband. What does the poem suggest about their relationship?
The woman speaking in the poem understands that the danger of giving birth could lead to death and â€Å"with death's parting blow†¦The sentence past is most irrevocable. †With the uncertainty of what the ordeal would bring her, she writes her final words through the poem. It is clear that the woman in the poem has a very good relationship with her husband. She says that the reason why she makes the poem is because she loves him too much: â€Å"love bids me/These farewell lines to recommend to thee.†In her love for him, she is even willing to give up some of the years God allots for her life to his husband when she says, â€Å"And if I see not half my days that's due,/What nature would, God grant to yours and you†Finally, the fact that the coming birth is not the first time for the couple suggests that they enjoy the experience of sharing life with their kids. She wants him to take care of them if ever she dies as much as he took care of her when she was alive: â€Å"Look to my little babes, my dear remains./And if thou love thyself, or loved'st me,/These O protect from step-dame's injury†. We do not hear the husband in the poem but we get the idea that he loves her, too, when she bids him to â€Å"kiss this paper for thy dear love's sake,/Who with salt tears this last farewell did take. †She knows he would take her passing very badly. Question 2: Describe and explain Mrs. Gearsons reaction to her sons death in William Dean Howells story `Editha. ` When Editha meets Mrs.Gearsons for the first time, the mother’s tone was reproachful of the young girl: â€Å"he told me he had asked you to come if he got killed. You didn't expect that, I suppose, when you sent him. †She knew why her son went to war in spite her bringing him up to think that â€Å"was (is) a fool thing as well as a bad thing. †Editha has influenced his son so greatly for him to do something that was against the values he grew up wit h. Mrs. Gearsons has read the letter Editha gave George before he left where she told him that she would only marry a man who â€Å"must love his country, first of all†.In mocking, she told Editha: â€Å"I suppose you would have been glad to die, such a brave person as you! †Mrs. Gearson looked at war as being not about soldiers fighting for the honor of their country, but of people killing each other and mothers and wives losing sons and husbands. Editha would neither understand her blame in George’s death nor the pain that Mrs. Gearson was feeling. She simply dismissed Mrs. Gearson’s outbursts as the consequence of ill health. In the end, she would continue â€Å"to live again in the ideal. â€
Friday, November 8, 2019
Judo Stategy Essays
Judo Stategy Essays Judo Stategy Essay Judo Stategy Essay In each of the four cases, does the entrant or challenger (i. e. Softsoap, Red Bull, supermarkets, Freeserve) have a competitive advantage when they market? Would they if the incumbents imitated their product offerings immediately? Softsoap According to the time of the case, bar soap is the product which is the market leader until late 1977, Minnetonka release Soap Machine that is the first time to have liquid soap in the market and continuously launch Softsoap in 1980. Softsoap entered to the market as the first mover, gain a competitive advantage and become to the market leader. However, competitive advantage of Softsoap is not able to preserve the market share when it is attacked by big players in the market as PG and Armour-Dial which are produce the liquid soap after. Red Bull Red Bull has a competitive advantage in term of focusing on the specific market and distribution strategy. It focus on the energy drink segment which has a small percentage from soft drink industry. They success in access to the consumer which is Red Bull assess that big player as Coke and Pepsi are probably not come to play in this category. Moreover, using its own distribution network can build brand image and it’s the easy way to keep Red Bull uniqueness. Supermarkets In U. K. Petrol Price War case, supermarkets had the competitive advantage but they are not sustainable because it’s depend on gasoline price and the location. Lower price gasoline was the factor to persuade customers to the store while the authority of setting gasoline price was the major gasoline retailers. Freeserve Cutting price is not quite a competitive advantage, in case of Freeserve, it effort to provide service in low price expect to outcome AOL while AOL not only be internet service provider but also provide content valuable as interactive news, entertainment shopping, information, email service and so on. It’s probably that Freeserve was operating in on loss by too low of service fee. 2. In the Softsoap and Red bull cases, what kept the incumbents from fighting back aggressively, at least initially? In case of Softsoap and Red Bull, the big players as PG, Armour-Dial, Lever Brothers and Colgate Palmolive (Softsoap Case), Coke and Pepsi (Red Bull Case) penetrate their market share and have a strong brand. It’s quite too risky to fighting back aggressively because it probably damage their current brand, decreasing brand image, decreasing the market size by cannibalize to current product and maybe lesser profit from fighting because of more spending on promotion and advertising for launching new product. 3. In the case of the UK petrol war, how do you think the supermarkets expected the major gasoline retailers to react to their entry? Was this expectation reasonable? In U. K. Petrol War case, I think supermarkets expected the major gasoline retailers to react their entry because the sales volume and revenue of supermarket was high or low depend on gasoline price which was controlled by major gasoline retailers. The expectation is reasonable because it’s the only one way the gasoline stands compete is price. When price war occurred, in one area where compete in price, the petrol station in that area have the same low price, leading to loss in profit margin. Moreover, the variety of consumer behaviors, consumers may prefer the convenient in filling up the gasoline then ignore to find the lowest gasoline price and sometimes it’s not reasonable to save a few money for lower gasoline price by the wasting time. 4. In the Freeserve vs AOL case, which consumers do you think are most readily switching to Freeserve? How can AOL retain these customers? Because of the low price of Freeserve, it probably gain the customers who are price sensitive as teenagers who get low income and don’t pay attention more to value-added service while AOL was the higher price but providing more than internet accessing. Ways to retain AOL customers are create network effect in order to create high switching cost by build up special things which create community among the users such as instant messaging, provide contents which is the strength of AOL service such as interactive news, entertainment, information, shopping, email service and so on. Last but not least, AOL is the largest internet service provider, It can communicate this strength point to users to rely on AOL then they will not switch to freeserver.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Looking For Alibrandi - realtionship with John
Looking For Alibrandi - realtionship with John One of the most significant relationships in the novel is between Josie Alibrandi and John Barton. The relationship changes in various ways at different stages. It's through this relationship that Josie learns much more about what is important in life and learns to accept her identity.Initially they were the best of friends, but Josie wanted to be with John Barton because she thought he was the best man she would ever meet. She sees him as an upper class man who is witty, charming and everything she wants in a man. John Barton also likes her and doesn't feel any racism towards Josie at all, but he has mixed feelings between Josie and Ivy. Josie wants to be in the same law class as John but he isn't allowed to choose what course he wants to study in because he is under constant pressure to do what his dad wants him to do.performing at Green Man 2010.As the book progresses John Barton and Josie become closer together because John was spending more time with Josie than with Ivy, so Josi e believes that John is falling for a middle class working woman over a upper class snob like Ivy. Josie also sees a side of John she doesn't like, he was extremely negative about life which Josie disagreed with and didn't like what he was saying so they start to break away a bit at that moment because of his negativity towards life.Josie and John grew even closer when they wrote down their deepest feelings and gave it to each other to hold onto, which before then she was too afraid to tell anyone what she was thinking, which by this action of trust was a definite big step towards their relationship. John wanted to go against his father's wishes and...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Fundraising Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fundraising - Coursework Example Sudden cardiac arrests causing sudden death have mainly occurred due to incompetency and ignorance of individuals witnessing cardiac arrests. Thus, if more people are aware of cardiac arrests and know what to do in case they are around a person having cardiac attack, more chances would be to grant those suffering their survival. VSF is one organization, whose aim is to raise awareness of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and cardiac arrests. However, there are some other charity organizations involved in raising awareness Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and developing action guidelines. NHS and Raising Awareness of SADS Although logically would be to suggest that the major organization to raise awareness of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and ways to prevent or diagnose it early would be National Healthcare System, the truth is that NHS establishments are preoccupied with a vast variety of diseases and their treatment. Consequently, less attention is paid to the problem of Sudden Adult Death Syndr ome solely. ... Organizations involved in raising awareness of SADS Despite that NHS is not actively involved in raising awareness of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and developing guidelines on how to act, there are charitable organizations that are devoted to the cause. These organizations were established majorly by relatives of those who died in result of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Among such organizations are Sudden Death Support Association and SADS – Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (, who raise awareness and provide support for families, and Ashley Jolly Sudden Adult Death Trust (, Cardiac Risk in Young (CRY: who raise awareness of the disease, support the families who have gone through deaths of loves ones, and are involved in fundraising for the cause to equip local communities, colleges, schools with automated external defibrillators (Patient UK, 2011). Awareness of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is also raised thr ough booklets and events from British Heart Foundation, which provides information on cardiac illnesses including SADS. SADS UK – The Ashley Jolly Sad Trust According to the official website, â€Å"The Ashley Jolly Sad Trust (SADS UK) is a voluntary organization that exists to raise awareness about little known heart conditions in young people and provides information and support to families who have experienced the sudden unexpected death of a loved one due to such a condition. The Trust fundraises to purchase and donate heart monitoring equipment to detect potentially fatal heart conditions in order that once a condition is identified the patient can be referred to a cardiologist for treatment, to minimize the risk of sudden premature death.â€
Friday, November 1, 2019
Dual Process Theories of Reasoning and Judgment Research Paper
Dual Process Theories of Reasoning and Judgment - Research Paper Example For example, Pavlov's model of classical conditioning is commonly recognized as a form of associative learning where a neutral stimulus is introduced along with a stimulus of significance and an unconditioned response is transferred for a conditioned one. Within a vacuum this model works, but Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory suggest that through one's experiences they form memories through which they associate emotions and when similar events occur that remind them of these memories, they in turn associate that even with the felt emotion. These emotions in turn effect behavior making this so significant to the daily lives of individuals. Human beings naturally use their emotions in relations to their memories to defines a sense of self. Cognitive-Experiential Self Theory denotes that the analytical and the emotional can work in contrast while simultaneously working in correspondence with the cognitive mind. A major disconfirmation of this theory can be seen in the human pursuit of self realization as Keirkegaard notes. If as Cognitive-Experiential Theory argue Human beings cognitively are reactionary to their on predicated emotions than there is no room to learn from one's emotions and in turn overcome them. Keirkegaard believed this individualistic existence caused everyone to travel along a path toward self-realization and this process, he noted, had three stages.
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