Friday, November 1, 2019

Dual Process Theories of Reasoning and Judgment Research Paper

Dual Process Theories of Reasoning and Judgment - Research Paper Example For example, Pavlov's model of classical conditioning is commonly recognized as a form of associative learning where a neutral stimulus is introduced along with a stimulus of significance and an unconditioned response is transferred for a conditioned one. Within a vacuum this model works, but Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory suggest that through one's experiences they form memories through which they associate emotions and when similar events occur that remind them of these memories, they in turn associate that even with the felt emotion. These emotions in turn effect behavior making this so significant to the daily lives of individuals. Human beings naturally use their emotions in relations to their memories to defines a sense of self. Cognitive-Experiential Self Theory denotes that the analytical and the emotional can work in contrast while simultaneously working in correspondence with the cognitive mind. A major disconfirmation of this theory can be seen in the human pursuit of self realization as Keirkegaard notes. If as Cognitive-Experiential Theory argue Human beings cognitively are reactionary to their on predicated emotions than there is no room to learn from one's emotions and in turn overcome them. Keirkegaard believed this individualistic existence caused everyone to travel along a path toward self-realization and this process, he noted, had three stages.

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