Friday, May 15, 2020

Definition of Culture Essay - 589 Words

With a diverse population existing in the United States today, our country is a melting pot of different cultures, each one unique in its own respect. Culture, distinguishing one societal group from another, includes beliefs, behaviors, language, traditions, art, fashion styles, food, religion, politics, and economic systems. Through lifelong and ever changing processes of learning, creativity, and sharing, culture shapes our patterns of behavior and thinking. A culture?s significance is so profound that it touches almost every aspect of who and what we are. ?Culture becomes the lens through which we perceive and evaluate what is going on around us? (Henslin, 1993). Trying to define the complex term of culture with varying†¦show more content†¦Her accent and the non-visible facial expressions create a barrier for comprehending the communication. Later, as the service for the woman progresses, her beliefs, values, and norms of her culture are dispelled. For example, in order for the woman to show her face to another male in public, she must first request permission from her husband to unveil. During further discussion, it becomes even more apparent, that this Iranian woman is subservient and possesses a lower level of status than that of Iranian males. All of these characteristics are indicative of this woman?s culture. As conveyed in the above description, the characteristics represent the unique symbols of one?s culture. Symbols, in representative form of communication, art, expressions, materials, and so on, allow a cultural group to develop complex thoughts and to exchange those thoughts with each other. Through the exchanging of symbols, one?s cultural ideas, beliefs, and values, are passed on from one generation to the next. People are not born with culture; they have to learn it. Throughout the development of the entire life span, culture is learned from the society in which we live. 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