Saturday, September 7, 2019

Ben Franklin Essay Example for Free

Ben Franklin Essay As early as the founding of the United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I dont have enough time†¦ and it negative effects on their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to justify the lack of time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available to juggle the daunting task of daily routines and prevent unwanted consequences. The first area the phrase’s unwanted results prevail is in children. While frantically circling the kitchen, trying to prepare supper, a neighbor of mine completely astounded me. Janes son, Mathew, came into the kitchen through the old saloon style double doors, and asked his mom if he could walk uptown with his friends. Without batting an eye Jane answered the young boy, saying Go ahead son. I dont have enough time to worry about you right now,† as she carried on with the twirling of a whisk in a pot of stew. It was only a couple hours before I peered out the window to see Mathew coming home in the back of a police cruiser. I don’t have time†¦ opened the doors for the young, misguided youth to go astray. As a parent, I also find that I struggle with difficulties of my childrens academics when I dont have enough time for them. My oldest daughter, Krista, has made excellent grades throughout her entire academic career. Recently, she has asked if I can help her research paper and answer some questions she may have. I dont have enough time,† was my immediate response. Around three days went by and I found myself looking online through her grades. I noticed that on the research paper she turned in, she received a below standard grade. â€Å"I don’t have enough time†¦Ã¢â‚¬  left my daughter without important information she needed from me to complete her assignment. Another area the deceptive words, â€Å"I don’t have enough time†¦Ã¢â‚¬  has shown its unappealing effects are while interviewing for a new job. In 2010, my friend Jesse and I departed from the militar y. Throughout life Jesse continued to apply the values of neatness and time management he acquired from his military training to his life, while I chose to be stubborn and do the opposite. During an interview for a sales representative position at Bob Pforte Dodge, I noticed that Jesse had also applied for the position. While speaking to him, I noticed that he had dressed in his deep blue suit, red tie, and his hair had been neatly combed to the left. His presence demanded attention, with a look that showed his desire for the position. I on the other hand, had worn mildly tattered blue jeans, a pullover shirt, and my hair had been quickly brushed straight down. I don’t have enough time†¦ was the excuse I thought of at that moment. When Jesse came out of the interview room, he spun towards me and gave a smile with the proverbial, â€Å"Nailed it,† thumbs up. After entering the office I discovered what the excitement was about. Jonathan, an interviewer at Bob Pforte Dod ge, sat behind an old mahogany desk with his peppered hair slicked back, still euphorically commenting on how, That was a business man! As he continued to describe Jesse’s charismatic appearance and ‘top-notch’ charm, things he remembered to make time for, I dont have enough time, continued to rattle through my brain. Today, Jesse is the top sales representative at Bob Pforte Dodge, while I now wake up thirty minutes earlier and take time to assure that my appearance shows my positive characteristics. Finally, I dont have enough time†¦ ultimately affects the physical or mental attributes of humans. When time is not made to unwind and do something enjoyable, the outcome on our physical and/or mental well being could prove devastating. My grandfather worked hard his entire life. He never was able to find time for his family, friends, or even take a few minutes to enjoy life. Grandpa’s children would continuously ask their father to watch a movie, or play ball with them, during which he would reply sharply with â€Å"I don’t have enough time†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He retired at the age of fifty-five, only to find that time found him. Sitting alone at home, all the people who once begged for his attention now find themselves with the same excuse. I dont have time right now, Dad, they would respond as they managed to juggle their own families, jobs, and children. He passed away at the very early age of fifty-seven. I dont have enough time, stole the valuable time his family needed with him and the unrelenting need the body has for ‘time’ to relax and heal. Thus proving the effects of using the old adage is not only devastating to the mental development of families, but also could have fatal effects on physical health as well. Our daily routines, should be closely examined when we find ourselves saying I dont have enough time. The consequences could be as small as losing the promotion or as large as hurting the people who cherish the valuable time they crave. I dont have time†¦ is a statement that, if possible should be avoided. The effects could prove to be less than anticipated. Making time for the things that are important is a valuable skill in life. â€Å"I don’t have time†¦,†as Mr. Franklin implied, is an excuse to spend more time doing things that are seldom good for anything.

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