Friday, September 27, 2019

How do you imagine social interaction within 10 years, taking into Essay

How do you imagine social interaction within 10 years, taking into consideration the impact of technology on human relations - Essay Example This paper tends to shed light on how I imagine social interaction within 10 years to come. It is important to understand first what social interaction actually is. Social interaction means the connection between people that lends them a sense of belonging to each other (Doise & Palmonari 2011; Nash & Calonica 2010). It is the bond that makes people share their ideas, views, feelings, emotions, and sentiments with each other; and, this process becomes the basis of a strong society where people love and respect each other, and take care of each other in the hour of need. Physical presence of a person is part and parcel of healthy social interaction in which persons relate to each other by being physically present to address their needs and feelings. In the recent years, the concept of social interaction has totally changed. Today, we are connected to hundreds of friends in the online community, but we are oblivious of the person sitting next to us, who may be our parent, our spouse, o ur child, our neighbor, or a relative. We share pictures and ideas with hundreds of people online, but we give a damn about what the person feels or think who is sitting in the same room as ours. This discussion of change in social interaction as seen today forms the basis of how I imagine social interaction in 10 years to come. ... People will convey their feelings in the digital format- feelings that they could never have conveyed in person; however, this conveyance of feelings will lack the emotional touch of understanding and compassion. The basic essence of social interaction is talking, which is becoming void even today but will disappear totally in 10 years to come. Just like libraries, physical communication will vanish. Elderly will yearn to see their children offline; while, the latter will have no time to even turn on the Skype. In 10 years, people will start relying on technology to improve their ways of communication. People have already started realizing the fact that technology has snatched away their power of being physically present; and, the proof is the introduction of audio messaging, and video chats such as Skype and Facebook video chat. In coming years, the need of face interaction will be felt even more, which will make experts devise more sophisticated ways of improved communication. 4D e xperiences may be one example of improved means of communication, which cannot be imagined today. However, despite a loss in the sense of belonging to each other, social interaction has also seen much advancement too. It would be unfair to deny the pros of technological advancements that have come with internet, online services, and online social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. People stay connected to their social circle 24/7. I guess that in 10 years to come, there will be so many highly sophisticated tools and applications that will aid communication in an amazing way. Who knows the need for being physically present may vanish totally in 10 years? Did we know that we could have a

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